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Looking for Advice Part II

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  • Looking for Advice Part II

    I am looking for ideas on how to overcome this problem of drifting indicators.

    As you can see I am using a Renko Chart and I only compute on Close

    This picture show what my chart should look like if there was no drifting, the next picture shows what the drifting looks like after a few hours.

    Would executing reloadEFS();
    every few bars when there is no grahical update to make sure the indicator is reset to its proper position?

    What have other people done to overcome this problem?

    Thanks for your Time
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The Drift Effect

    This is what the Drift effect looks like
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Hello EK,

      Are you on 7.7? Portions of the drift bug have been fixed in 7.7. It should be completely fixed for the 7.8 release. I've done some testing for the drift on Renko charts today on an internal beta of 7.8 and didn't see a problem. However, I should test your symbol/interval/EFS combo to be sure. Can you post your example formula you were using in your chart images? Also, please tell me the symbol, interval and box size you used?

      As for a work around, you could use the reloadEFS() function, just be sure to include some logic to prevent an endless loop. You could try using a global variable to count a certain number of bars, or a date object to look for a certain amount of elapsed time. Reset a global flag and then call the reloadEFS() function. You could also make that flag a "universal" global for some added insurance using setGlobalValue() and getGlobalValue().
      Jason K.
      Project Manager
      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

      EFS KnowledgeBase
      JavaScript for EFS Video Series
      EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
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      Custom EFS Development Policy

      New User Orientation


      • #4

        Hello Jason,

        Thank you for taking the time to answer my post.

        I am on symbol EUR A0-FX on a 15 minute interval and you can use a simple moving average I think it will show the same drift after a few hours.

        I am running 7.7 and if 7.8 does fix this then that is great news.

        Thank you


        • #5
          Hello EK,

          What box size were you using?
          Jason K.
          Project Manager
          eSignal - an Interactive Data company

          EFS KnowledgeBase
          JavaScript for EFS Video Series
          EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
          EFS Glossary
          Custom EFS Development Policy

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          • #6
            Box Size

            Hello Jason,

            Box Size .001



            • #7
              Hello EK,

              That just happens to be what I used today. I'm happy to report that I did not see any drifting. Although there were only a couple new boxes generated. It may be possible that there wasn't enough new boxes generated to tell for sure. I'll do some more testing on this tomorrow as well.

              Did you see any drifting today with EUR A0-FX, 15min, 0.001 box size?

              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

              EFS KnowledgeBase
              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
              EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
              EFS Glossary
              Custom EFS Development Policy

              New User Orientation


              • #8

                Hello Jason

                Thanks for taking the Time to Check it out

                Yes with 7.7 there was drifting today



                • #9
                  Hello EK,

                  Good to know. That means that this drifting issue may indeed be fixed. I'll test tomorrow anyway and let you know if I see any drifting.
                  Jason K.
                  Project Manager
                  eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                  EFS KnowledgeBase
                  JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                  EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                  EFS Glossary
                  Custom EFS Development Policy

                  New User Orientation


                  • #10
                    Hello EK,

                    I've been testing this again today and haven't seen any drifting. I think it's safe to say this is fixed for the 7.8 release.

                    Jason K.
                    Project Manager
                    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                    EFS KnowledgeBase
                    JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                    EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                    EFS Glossary
                    Custom EFS Development Policy

                    New User Orientation


                    • #11
                      Thanks Jason!

                      Hello Jason,

                      Thats Great News

                      Thank you for your Time and Effort


                      • #12
                        Drifting issue appears resolved in version 7.8. We went gold yesterday.

                        Download 7.8 today!

                        Please let us know how it works for you.



                        • #13
                          Drifting Issue

                          Hello Scott,

                          The Drifting Issue has not been resolved

                          Later I will post a image to show the drift



                          • #14
                            Drifting Issue on Renko Charts has not been fixed

                            Here you can see a simple MA that highlights the Drifting problem

                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              After MA is re-loaded

                              Here is the MA after re-loaded

                              Attached Files

