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Anyone else down?

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  • #31
    thanks Marwan!

    have a nice day anyway )))


    • #32
      Hi blackhawk,

      Thanks for your patience. In regards to the System Status image that you were referring to earlier, this image is a static image. It does not update dynamically with the actual status of the network. It is used primarily to indicate where users can go to get information regarding any issues that are being experienced. Thanks again for your continued patience. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused for yourself and others.


      • #33
        I am getting "Not Ent." when I Ctrl-click the status (of any instrument). And yes, I have paid my bill



        • #34
          Thank you for the response Duane.

          I would very strongly suggest eSignal consider changing the "static System Status" image since I consider it to be deliberately confusing and misleading. Whether the System Status indicator is static or not, you are showing the System Status as "green" when in reality this morning it was not for more than 4 hours. That is the cause of much frustration!

          Below this "static" image clearly showing the status as "green" you are using the exact same colours to indicate actual status of individual components of the overall System. It is not therefore reasonable to assume the System Status indicator is showing the current Sytem Status situation as well? If you are not showing the current overall System Status in this image, then why use a colour image consisting of red, yellow and green with the System Status very clearly shown by a pointer as "green"?

          As I said earlier, I accept you may have occasional "technical" problems and can live with those, but to have a "static" image showing red, yellow and green with an indicator very clearly pointing to green while underneath you have the same colours showing current conditions of individual components is to delude yourself and users the system is always working "normally".



          • #35
            atlas - try "Ctrl+left mouse click" in the top line of the cursor window (normally green) where it says "Not Ent." Should cause the data to be reloaded I think.



            • #36
              Thanks Blackhawk, but I have been trying the exact method you suggest.


              • #37
                Just opened an IB account. Will be using their data and Tahoe Charts hopefully starting in November.

                This was the breaking point, I"m so sick of Esignal's squeezing me for every penny I'm finally gone.


                • #38
                  Hi Chris,

                  I remember getting your eSignal username from you at one point, but seem unable to find it in my Private Messages. If you wouldn't mind sending me your eSignal username, we can check your account and make sure that all the connections & permissions are set up properly. Please let me know. Thanks.


                  • #39
                    I am having problems with my eSignal.
                    The charts do show up but I'm getting "No data" on my quote windows.

                    Anyone else having similar problems?
                    After awhile... the green turns red and shows "No pw/data".

                    Will post a screenshot in awhile.
                    Has the server issues truly been resolved? Or are there still intermittent problems?


                    • #40
                      Hello Anson,

                      We have not received any influx of calls this morning regarding the "No Data" message, but if you'll please Private Message me your eSignal username, we'll take a look at the backend connections for your account. Just so we can keep track of the steps that you've taken thus far; have you re-started eSignal? Have you performed any other technical steps? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by DuaneG
                        Hello Anson,

                        We have not received any influx of calls this morning regarding the "No Data" message, but if you'll please Private Message me your eSignal username, we'll take a look at the backend connections for your account. Just so we can keep track of the steps that you've taken thus far; have you re-started eSignal? Have you performed any other technical steps? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
                        Duaneg, thanks... I'll pm you.

                        I have restarted my pc and esignal multiple times. On my last try.. things were ok for about 30mins... my quote windows had data too.

                        But about 2mins ago.. they went dead and I restarted once more. Now my quote windows are empty once again!


                        • #42
                          My empty quote window for futures...


                          • #43

                            Looking at the connections for the account, I don't see anything unusual from that perspective. I also did some checking on the specific server you were connecting with and was able to pull down data. Are you experiencing any connectivity issues with your ISP? Please let me know and I'll continue to work to help get this resolved for you. Thanks.


                            • #44
                              Restarted eSignal and I am OK.

