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Ticker Alert Window suggestions

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  • Ticker Alert Window suggestions

    I tried the Ticker Alert window today for the first time, set to display Limit Alerts.

    It's a great substitute for popup alerts, because I've never liked how the popup alert window interrupts whatever command you're in the middle of - you have to either close the popup alert window or restart your command. Also the popup window is too big to keep open all day.

    The Ticker Alert window (with Limit Alerts) is small enough to keep open all day, and doesn't have to be acknowledged each time it triggers..... so, a great new feature, thanks!!

    The Ticker Alert list would be a lot more informative though if there was the option to color the alerts, i.e. blue for global daily high price alerts and red for global daily low price alerts. And for Last price alerts, if it could say L-High or L-Low (or something similar), with option to color, instead of just saying Last, that would obviously be more informative. With those options in the Ticker Alert, I could do away with using popup alerts.

    And speaking of global daily high/low alerts, eSignal's ability to color the price in the high or low column in quote lists is very useful. But it would be nice if, after using Reset for the global high or low alert, the colors in the quote list would also reset.

    While I'm on the subject of Alerts, I'll repeat two requests I've made before to Ideas:
    1. that the 'Current Last' Price reflect the premarket price so alerts can be set to trade the gaps (very important)
    2. that the values set for high or low Last price alerts pop up in a small window when the cursor is placed over the little 'H' and 'L'
    in the quote window Last column. This way one could readily see the set values without multiple clicks (to open and close the Edit/Delete Alert window).

    I think these are features most traders would welcome and make use of? Or does anyone else have other ways to use alerts?

    (damn, Ad-Watch blocks the pop-up spell checker. Is there a URL
    associated with the spell checker I could tell Ad-Watch to ignore?
    Last edited by shaeffer; 10-26-2004, 05:43 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Ticker Alert Window suggestions

    Originally posted by shaeffer
    ........ And for Last price alerts, if it could say L-High or L-Low (or something similar), with option to color, instead of just saying Last, that would obviously be more informative.
    an after thought..... if the Last alert could be colored, there would be no need to say L-High or L-Low


    • #3
      Hmmm, not much user interest so far, judging by lack of replies. I'm finding this Alert Ticker window so much better (than popup alerts).

      I would call the Alert Ticker window perfect, if I could double click on it to edit the alert.


      • #4
        Hi shaeffer,

        Thanks for the suggestion. I'll forward this over to the Product Development Team for possible consideration into a future build of the software. Thanks.


        • #5
          Good suggestions Shaeffer, I'd be interested in these features as well.

          Btw, is there a way to link either the ticker alert or the pop-up in such a way that a click will load the alert symbol in a chart?



          • #6
            Originally posted by TraderEyal
            Btw, is there a way to link either the ticker alert or the pop-up in such a way that a click will load the alert symbol in a chart?

            Hi Eyal

            To my knowledge, those links don't exist. But assuming the alert is in your quote list, you can click on Last there (with symbol link set up) to load your chart(s). The fact that the Last price in the quote window lights up on alert makes it easier to find. Hope that helps.



            • #7
              Hi shaeffer,

              Yes I have those symbols in quote windows. The problem is that I normally have 3 quote windows - usually detached because of their length. And in addition I would have a few symbols already on alert which would make it a bit more tricky to immediately identify the symbol with the most recent alert. What I found myself doing was click on a chart and then type the symbol in manually rather than find which quote window this symbol is listed in.

              It's not a major issue just thought it would be nice to have either of those alert displays linked.

              Good trading.


              • #8
                Hi Eyal,

                I can see the benefit or your suggestion for a direct link from alerts to charts. Quick moving like that keeps a trader 'in the zone' and first to catch an opportunity.

                If there was a symbol link box within the alert window (where you'd have pre-selected the link color), with a button "Go to Chart" you could close the alert window and change charts all in one click. That feature would get lots of use I'm sure (since that's why one sets alerts to begin with).

                In the Ticker Alert window, right click options to:
                - go to chart, or
                - edit alert
                would also be very useful, I think.

                Good idea, Eyal

