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eSignal problem

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Anson
    Thought I should mention that I use ES #F=2 and NQ #F=2 in my charts and ES Z4 and NQ Z4 in the quote windows. Just to be sure.
    More testing and stranger results.

    As I mentioned, I have ES Z4 and NQ Z4 in my quote windows as you can see in screenshots in previous posts but I use ES #F=2 and NQ #F=2 in my charts.

    Here's where it gets interesting. I have had a 90+% fail rate (over more than 50 attempts) on getting my quote windows to load when they share a page file with charts that have both ES #F=2 and NQ #F=2.

    BUT... If I change all the symbols in the charts to ES Z4 and NQ Z4 respectively instead... and not use the RTH continuous charts (#F=2)... and save these together with the Quote windows... I have a 50% success rate (over a minimum of 30 samples) of the quote windows loading data properly! (make sure you restart at least 2-4x... it will not work right away on 1st restart!)

    What is the cause? I wish I knew. Hope esignal figures this one out.

    Last edited by Anson; 10-28-2004, 04:01 PM.


    • #17
      I believe I have found the cause of the Quote window "no data" problem. And I believe I know the solution at least on my side.

      I will continue to test and evaluate. Will wait for mkts to open later to confirm that the solution/cause are correct. Then I will post here.


      • #18

        I believe I have the problem identified to an extent.

        Please note that in the past I have always used continuous RTH charts ie. ES #F=2 and NQ #f=2. In the quote windows... I used ES Z4 and NQ Z4 respectively. You can see previous screenshots for confirmation.

        This combination of RTH continuous charts (#F=2) and the normal quartlery symbols (Z4 for example) create the problem with my quote windows.

        When I alter the symbols in my charts to ES Z4 and NQ Z4 to match those in my quote windows... the "no data" problem disappears in a few restarts. (as little as 1-2)

        If I changed the symbols in my quote windows to ES #F and NQ #F and use these same symbols in my charts... esignal loads the quote windows fine from start as well. Tried this multiple times to confirm.

        So the problem only occurs (for me) when I use different symbol formats in the charts from the quote window.

        I have no idea why this is the case but it's 80% probable that this is the cause. I've restarted esignal several times within the last 2 hrs or so... quote windows have been loading fine since I began using the same symbol format type in both charts and quote window.

        I hope you can test this on other systems as well. For the time being at least, I am able to avoid this problem.

        Last edited by Anson; 10-29-2004, 07:43 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Anson
          The quote windows seem to be fine when I start esignal with a page that only has quote windows!

          I - and others - have experienced a "Nodata" problem using Neoticker as charting software too. The solution here is to use the "reset DB's" option in the eSignal Data Manager. Though this is a bit cumbersome.

          Are there other solutions to this problem?

          Many Thanks

          Bernd Kuerbs


          • #20
            Bernd or Anson,

            Can you please check your C:\Windows\winros.ini file and look for a line that begins with "freeze="? What is the number after the equals sign?

            This has the same feel as with a problem experienced with this Tradestation problem.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #21
              Hi Jay F,

              in my winros.ini file the setting for "freeze" is zero.

              The "feel" for this error is different then the description for the Tradestation problems: The quote board says "Nodata" for e.g. some DJ30 stocks. "Reset DBs" solves it, but the next day or a few days later it is there again.


              Bernd Kuerbs


              • #22
                I can't seem to duplicate this. Anson, do you have any 3rd party software loaded on your system? Bernd mentioned he's seen this with Neoticker... we're just really stumped here as we can't duplicate it. I'll continue to run the page file you see below on eSignal 7.7 (build 679), and I'll report in if I see the problem over the next week.

                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #23
                  It looks like Anson's problem and mine are different, though they show the same symptoms.

                  In a NeoTicker quote board containing the DJ30 stocks I again got the "Nodata" error. I then opened a quote window in eSignal and entered some of the stocks: eSignal displayed the data for the stocks in question, see screenshot.

                  After applying "Reset DBs" in the eSignal Data Manager (and after NeoTicker had reconnected) the data started to update in the NeoTicker quote Board too.


                  Bernd Kuerbs
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Checked and it was "freeze=0"

                    Originally posted by JayF
                    Bernd or Anson,

                    Can you please check your C:\Windows\winros.ini file and look for a line that begins with "freeze="? What is the number after the equals sign?

                    This has the same feel as with a problem experienced with this Tradestation problem.


                    • #25
                      Nope... no 3rd party software whatsoever.
                      I'm stumped too! Fortunately, I have been able to discover and use a workaround for now.

                      Originally posted by JayF
                      I can't seem to duplicate this. Anson, do you have any 3rd party software loaded on your system? Bernd mentioned he's seen this with Neoticker... we're just really stumped here as we can't duplicate it. I'll continue to run the page file you see below on eSignal 7.7 (build 679), and I'll report in if I see the problem over the next week.


                      • #26
                        @Jay F

                        This may be a timing problem: when I start NeoTicker it in turn launches the eSignal Data Manager.

                        I have changed this now: I first launch the eSignal Data Manager and then, after some time, NeoTicker.

                        Today, I did not get "NoData". Though one day of course is not enough. If it works for the next 10 days, I dare say, there is a high probability that this is the cause.


                        Bernd Kuerbs


                        • #27
                          Hmm ok.. that's not the solution for my issue tho.

                          I always start Datamanager before I start winsig.exe.


                          • #28
                            I certainly think we have two different things going on that have similar symptoms.

                            I'm stumped on Anson's issue, but I'm sure glad you found an active work-around.

                            Bernd, one possibility may be that there is a conflict of dbcapi.dll versions. Can you run a search on your PC for "dbcapi.dll"? How many versions do you see and where are they located on your hard drive?
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by JayF

                              Bernd, one possibility may be that there is a conflict of dbcapi.dll versions. Can you run a search on your PC for "dbcapi.dll"? How many versions do you see and where are they located on your hard drive?
                              Hmm, I have a lot of them...??

                              Ignore the ones in the ...\backup\ directories, they are exactly that: a backup. Also, I do use NeoTicker4.

                              What is this .dll, the API of eSignal?

                              Have a nice weekend

                              Bernd Kuerbs
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Just to give you some background, dbcapi.dll is the file that 3rd party software interfaces with in order to tie into our data. On occasion, older versions of this file can conflict with newer versions.

                                In your case, I would close all programs and then rename the old dbcapi.dll in the C:\Windows\System32 folder to dbcapi.old. Try to duplicate the problem after that... In theory, it should no longer occur. If you start to get any error messages as a result of this change, then you can always rename the file back.
                                Jay F.
                                Product Manager
                                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

