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Ratio on index charts

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  • Ratio on index charts

    I have created some personal index charts by combing symbols with a " + ". I would like to create ratio charts comparing two of these but have not had any luck so far. Does anyone have an idea about how I might go about this?


  • #2
    At this time you cannot create complex expressions to use as symbols.
    You may want to send your suggestion to [email protected]


    • #3
      Email sent. Thanks for your help.


      • #4
        Custom Index

        I too like to combine symbols using the '+' sign, but have noticed that which ever symbol in the list makes the widest swings (usually the higher priced one) ... dominates the effect of the combination.

        Is there a way to equalize the absolute values? ... So, say if xyz is priced at 230 and moves 30 pts... and uvw is priced at 20 and moves 2 pts... the combined price of these two would be 250... and the move would reflect mainly the move made by xyz, approx imately to 270. Is there a way to equalize them so that they have equal weight?

        Thanx, Nereus


        • #5
          One of the earlier posts I saw on the subject mentioned the ability to weight the individual equities being summed but I have not discovered how it is done. Maybe someone else can help.


          • #6
            Argh!... lol Thnx for your comment...

            Yes... lets hope there is a way..



            • #7
              Just in case this needs clarifying....

              Say xyz = 100 price
              and uvw = 20 price

              I would like to divide xyz by 5 in order to make it 20 as well...

              Or better yet... something like this:

              xyz +uvw /2 thus getting the avg of the two.

              Last edited by Nereus; 12-03-2004, 12:07 PM.


              • #8

                I would like to divide xyz by 5 in order to make it 20 as well...

                If you wish to divide it by 5 you can give it a weighting of 20% which would be the same thing.
                In that case you would use the following expression in the symbol
                0.20xyz /uvw
                (note the space before the operator)
                You could also write the same as follows
                xyz /5uvw
                thereby multiplying uvw by 5.

                Or better yet... something like this:
                xyz +uvw /2 thus getting the avg of the two

                In this case use the following expression
                0.5xyz +0.5uvw
                Hope this helps


                • #9
                  rgmullen, Nereus
                  Click here for detailed instructions on how to create spreads, ratios, etc. The article also includes instructions on how to apply a weight to the components in a spread
                  Hope this helps


                  • #10
                    Thank you very much Alex! This is very cool!

                    I will definitely make good use of this..

                    Thanks again,



                    • #11
                      You are most welcome


                      • #12
                        Pegging the CPU...

                        Hello again, The custom index which i created is working great... except.

                        When the market is not quiet.. ie: high volume and volatility.. like when econ reports are released... My CPU gets pegged to 100% and then the charts freeze up.. usually only bout 2 to 8 seconds.. but now and then about 45 seconds to 1.5 mins.... depends on the volatility of the instruments in my index. BTW... I am using a combo of index futures in my custom index.

                        I am running a P4 2.4 mghz with 1 gig ram...
                        the highest my mobo will allow would be 3.06...
                        5 screens with 30 charts/windows. Timetemplates on the charts are dynamic.

                        but, shouldnt there be another way to solve this problem? It seems that esignal must be a resource hog.. no?

                        I have reviewed my task manager and found that when i close the custom charts... my cpu is bouncing from 4 to 65%. When the custom charts are up and running.. it bounces from 20 to 100% when mkt is quiet... flatlines at 100% when mkt is high volatility and causes freeze up.

                        Anyway.. I still like the program.. but need this issue resolved if possible.



