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Tick Replay Problem

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  • Tick Replay Problem

    I download 10 days worth of ZB #f data, set my charts to $PLAYBACK, started tick replay, fastforwared to day 2 which was 11/04/04, the data fast-forwarded to the correct day, but the symbol on my chart was changed to AB from ZB(#PLAYBACK) by tick replay. I've tried this several times including downloading new files and the same thing happens.

    Is this a known problem?
    Ronald J. Alterman

  • #2
    I just tried your sequence and I don't seem to be able to replicate the issue. In the image below you can see that I jumped to 11/04/04 and the data being plotted is that of ZB #F
    Did the symbol change on your chart from $PLAYBACK to AB #F or did the data switch to that of AB #F?


    • #3
      Alex, when I went back to look at this again, my page was gone. I left out a couple of steps at the beginning. I created a new page and put 2 zb charts on it. I linked the symbols and then I changed both symbols to $PLAYBACK. When I start playback, in the price frame I have $PLAYBACK and in the CCI area (this is a Woodies panel) I have 'AB'.
      Ronald J. Alterman


      • #4
        I just tried one with ZN and the same thing happened.
        Ronald J. Alterman


        • #5
          I don't have the Woodie's Panel so I don't know what it does but by your description it seems like the efs is loading a symbol in the CCI pane that is different from the one in the price chart. Try running Tick Replay without using the Woodies's Panel and see if the problem persists.
          FWIW I cannot replicate what you are reporting and as far as I can see Tick Replay is working correctly at my end.


          • #6
            I tried that and tick replay worked correctly. I'll report the problem to the panel developers.

            Thanks, Alex.

            Ronald J. Alterman

