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FX Charts / Feed

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  • FX Charts / Feed

    I am and FX trader.

    I stopped using eSignal a few months ago, as I encounted problems with the feed, spikes which did not appear in other charting packages.

    I was told by a rep that eSignal were trying to improve the FX service.

    I think one issue was price was coming from multiple feeds. Is it possible to set eSignal to take from just one feed, say FXCM ?

    I love the charts just need to action to reflect the market.

  • #2

    Thanks for the post. Currently there isn't a way to set eSignal to filter the Forex data based on contributor. We have been discussing this possibility of implementing a filter to accommodate this, but it is still in the early stages of discussion. We are continually exploring ways to increase usability through user requests, but this process does take some time going from the concept to actual implementation.


    • #3
      Any progress on this in the last 9 months? I see that you now have Hotspot FX prices and it would be sufficient for me if I could just get Hotspot without all the other banks. How about it?


      • #4
        I have not seen any active plans to create this feature yet. No doubt it would be a great feature to have, however it is not something on the near or mid-term horizon.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Originally posted by rondawes
          Any progress on this in the last 9 months? I see that you now have Hotspot FX prices and it would be sufficient for me if I could just get Hotspot without all the other banks. How about it?
          Same here. Why dont you offer Hotspot FX as a seperate service? For my needs a Hotspot Fx subscription is enough, well its even better since i wont get the spikes from all the other banks.
          follow the white rabbit


          • #6
            I canceled my subscription for the GTIS feed. No need to pay 600 bux per year for a 150 bank feed, when only one (Hotspot) is needed.
            follow the white rabbit

