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Can somebody please help me with this question

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  • Can somebody please help me with this question

    Can somebody please explain to me why you offer the Osaka exchange equites but not the futures?

    Is it because they offer the Nikkei futures cheaper than simex ?


  • #2
    My understanding is that the priority we assign to releasing an exchange is based on two factors... Amount of demand and how accessible the data is. If we have a large number of clients looking for an exchange, we'll do our darndest to make it available. The balancing factor to this is how much is the development cost for an exchange. If we have low to moderate demand and a high cost, then there's less priority assigned to it. If it can be easily incoporated without much cost, then the priority is raised much higher.

    Futures exchanges in general are more difficult to rollout and maintain due to the many complexities and unique characteristics involved with each contact. There's certainly not a conspiracy to keep something unavailable, because it's a less expensive alternative for traders. There just may be a higher cost involved for rolling out the OSE futures.

    As far as an ETA for futures from the OSE, I'll need to check on this further. I'll reply back once I have more information.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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