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Import from Elite Trader: T&S Problem

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  • Import from Elite Trader: T&S Problem

    From Elite Trader:

    Is ANYONE experiencing this problem with their eSignal 7.7? My time and sales windows don't always work. They decide to give data whenever they feel like it, and then I have to close them and reopen them to get them flowing again.

    To clarify further, they do NOT stop in middle of flow, just after a period of inactivity like after market closes, they wont take symbols any more and just return that Windows XP beep that tells you you entered something wrong or are clicking somewhere that is not active.

    I have spoken to esignal tech support about this multiple times and all I get is that I should go to site and re-install program which I have done 3x with no results.
    This does indeed have all the indications of a bad install, but I believe it would take more than a reinstall to correct it. Before reinstalling, I would suggest a complete uninstall before doing so. For more information on performing a complete uninstall, please visit this KnowledgeBase article.

    After the uninstall and reinstall of 7.7, I would test to see if this corrected the problem by creating a new page with a Time and Sales Window in it. Then try to duplicate the problem again.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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  • #2
    that did not help

    I did the reinstall as instructed and have even opened up brand new time and sales windows. They all do the same thing. Sometimes now stopping working just 5 minutes after opening.

    Please help! Is anyone else reporting this?!?

    Have already reinstalled the product 2x now.


    • #3
      Hello preznicek,

      As Jay mentioned, this may be the function of a faulty install, but after 2-3 installations there may be something else going on behind the scenes. If you elaborate about how the new Time and Sales window is being applied, it may shed some light on what is happening here. Can you confirm that you have opened the new Time and Sales window within an existing Page File or as part of a new Page? This may become relevant, as we want to rule out the possibility that the Page file you are working with is corrupted and is having an effect on the Time and Sales window.

      Also, have the default settings of the Time and Sales window been changed? We haven't had any other reports of this, but regardless, we want to help you get this straightened out.

