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Charts freezing

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  • Charts freezing

    I'm having a tremendous problem with charts not updating so I have to shut down and restart esignal to refresh. I was a futuresource subscriber and am a new esignal subscriber. I never had this problem with futuresource. Since you are both owned by the same company maybe you can find out what they do right!
    I just restarted eSignal and they still haven't updated. Ditto for my Quotrek. Any ideas on why this is happening? I'm an active day trader and cannot afford data not updating.
    Last edited by jebersole; 11-30-2004, 12:08 PM.

  • #2
    I have the same problem


    I have the same problem of charts not updating in real time for the last two weeks. I have been an eSignal subscriber for almost 3 years and it has never ben this way. My PC has anti-virus protection and seems to run normally otherwise. I am getting data/quotes/charts also from TradeMaven and this has been running great. I talked to a Technical Rep yesterday, and he assured me that from eSignal's side everything was running normally. I tried the reboot method a couple of times and gave up. I am thinking of using Trademaven charts from here on out and cancel eSignal. It is a pity because I have a lot of EFS studies (a lot of them paid for dearly) which is going to waste. But what good is the software if it is going to run in fits and starts.



    • #3

      In the great majority of instances where freezing or sluggishness appears, it's usually a combination of problems local to the user's PC and/or setup. If the problem was systemic (i.e. on eSignal server side for ex), we'd usually see hundreds of customers impacted, if not thousands.

      Please visit the eSignal KnowledgeBase and specifically look at KB articles 1634, 1639 and 1640. Hopefully, one of those will help you diagnose the problem.

      The alternative is to contact Technical Support again so they can help you through some of these checks. These checks can be time-consuming so it's usually more efficient to walk through them once and then call.



      • #4

        Hi Scott,

        Thanks for the prompt reply. Yesterday I downloaded the 7.7version and opened new advanced charts. Everything ran very smoothly indeed. I am glad I don't have to ditch eSignal and all the efs files that I have accumulated over time.



        • #5
          That's great to hear. Thanks for the follow-up.

