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options pricing

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  • options pricing

    is there a problem with the options pricing my level 2's have been a nightmare all week and i have to restart constantly to get them to update.

  • #2
    Hello jeddins,

    We haven't received any other reports of this issue this morning. As this is the second time you've reported this behavior, I think the best course of action is to have an eSignal technician walk through some advanced troubleshooting procedures to figure out what may be happening here. Here is the link containing the contact information for eSignal Technical Support.


    • #3
      my situation has improved but i'm still getting bids and asks on the level two which lag the level one quotes, this seems minor but it gets to be a pain when you use the level 2's so much. this has been ongoing for a while and i wish you would fix this bug in a release somewhere in the near future. esignal is a good value but for what we pay it should be right...period.


      • #4
        I noticed today and would like to know if anyone else sees this:

        Having portfolio window opened with options position prices specifically with BIIB today were working then stopped. I noticed I had another window opened of an option chain that was stagnant there was no data in it for BIIB when i hit the refresh for the option chain the data came in and then I noticed it started working for the portfolio position again.

        Guess what I am asking here is : if a option chain is opened ( or just stops ) with no data working on a specific underlying can this also stop data on a working option symbol in a portfolio window?
        Do we need to make sure that both an option chain is OK for the portfolio position to work as well?

        I do not remember exactly if the option chain and the portfolio were linked as well ...


        • #5
          trade volume error

          I've noticed another problem with options. If a contract has no volume traded volume is actually displayed as 110k (or 108k, 109k, 111k etc). The problem seems to appear in a variety of apps including the data manager request data screen.

