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Customized Quote Window

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  • Customized Quote Window

    Where can I find customized quote/portfolio window color/font schemes to use without having to make my own (i'm not good at it....laf)??? I looked briefly in the file sharing section and didn't see anything related.

    Also....2nd question. If I get a good color scheme for my quote windows and click on "set defaults", will this make all my new pages have the same colors. And what happens when I copy pages from another PC to mine? I want them to be able to accept the settings for the computer I am copying them to without having to reset all the color/font schemes....Thanks for any help!

  • #2

    There are quite a few default Quote Windows that have been included with eSignal. You may want to go through some of them to see if they are what you are looking for in regards to colors. Once in the directory, you'll want to select to look for Quote Windows specifically (.quo). To get to this directory, go to the File menu in eSignal and choose Open. Set the Files of Type to QUOTE Files (*.quo), select the file you would like to view and choose Open

    When you set the default for the Quote Window, it will appear identical in all other Page Files that you open after that. As for transferring the files to another computer, the default colors that you have set will remain intact.

