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Winsig.exe usage more than CPU 50 %?

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  • Winsig.exe usage more than CPU 50 %?

    if i want to receive charts(intraday, daily,monthly) of a new symbol, the CPU usage of the esignal winsig.exe increases for 5-10 seconds during the recieving of the new datas to 50 %. Then it decreases to 30-35 %. Is this possible? What process of esignal takes the high usage? Are there 3 charts to much? The problem for me is: Together with other software(IB-Java etc)., my PC has 100 % CPU usage and becomes very slow.

    I have an Athlon 2600 GHZ. I think, that should be no problem?

  • #2
    Hi Bügeleisen,

    In addition to the three windows you mentioned, do you have any Time and Sales windows or Quote windows open? Changing symbols shouldn't affect the CPU usage that dramatically, but I would start by perhaps checking the file size of the Layout / Page file in question. Also, have any significant amount of lines been drawn on the chart, even under symbols that you are no longer viewing? This is usually one the primary causes of increased CPU usage as the lines are stored locally and can increase the size of the Layout / Page significantly. Larger files usually result in longer loading times per request. Please let me know.


    • #3
      I had the same problem, huge and highly variable CPU usage, winsig was the culprit. Upgrading to 7.8 solved it. Perhaps the buffer overflow problem of winsig in 7.6 was responsible. Now my cpu is running steadier and never near 100% even though I am loaded with charts, quotes, and multiple IB TWS's.

