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plotting daily 50sma on 60min chart

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  • plotting daily 50sma on 60min chart

    I am trying to view the daily 50sma of a stock/index on its 60 minute chart. So I input a period of 325 (50 x 6.5 hrs/trading day) but the correct value is not appearing - the value on the 60 min chart dones not match the value of the 50sma on a daily chart. My 60 minute chart displays from 6:30-1:00 (pst).

    Am I doing something wrong, or how can I accomplish this?


  • #2
    The reason for the difference is because there are different data sets involved. A 325 period SMA on a 60 minute chart takes into account 325 closing periods all along the way (assuming you are using the default source). A 50 SMA on a daily is only taking into account 50 closes. While the amount of time taken into account is the same, any internal movements on the 60 minute chart are taken into account vs. the daily is only looking at the closing value of each day.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3
      Thanks for the reply, Jay

      That makes sense - that different calculations are taking place, but I thought they might arrive at the same answer.

      Is there no way to plot a daily MA on a 60 min chart then?



      • #4
        Hello shaeffer,

        Multiple time frame studies is a complex task currently, which may require the assistance of a consultant. When 7.9 arrives we will have some added functionality that will make this a simple process, which should be sometime this quarter.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
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