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alerts not being saved

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  • alerts not being saved

    i'm wondering if i'm missing something here. I set a number of price alerts for the next day. then i shut down Esignal, open the next day, and they are no longer there (frustrating...) anyways, this is the second i fell into the trap, so i tried multiple different things and assured all pages did saved before closing. open re-opening, no alerts. wondering if im missing something here

  • #2
    Hi stvchez,

    I did some checking and all of the alerts seem to be saving properly. What version of eSignal are you currently running? Also, can you describe the process in which you are setting and saving the alerts? Thanks.


    • #3
      I have had this problem as well. If you don't save the layout or page after adding the alerts they will not save. If you just add alerts to a page or layout without any other changes you will NOT get a request to save and then your alerts are history.


      • #4

        As with any and all changes to the Page or Layout file, it is wise to save the work prior to exiting eSignal. In the case where the Page or Layout is not being saved, the alerts are technically part of this file hence, the alerts are not saved. Saving the Page or Layout after adding alerts remedies this. In the case where changes are only made to alerts, you may want to explore using the CNTRL + E feature to save the changes and exit the program.


        • #5
          Duane - I totally agree that you need to save your changes. It just that you get used to Esignal asking you to save your changes but when you make changes to the alerts it does not ask thus very easy to "forget."


          • #6
            Gotcha...I think having eSignal prompt the user when any changes (alerts included) are made would be a great benefit. I'll pass it over to the Product Development Team....[email protected] Thanks for the suggestion.

