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normalize symbols on chart

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  • normalize symbols on chart

    I remember I hv read in the forum that I can enter 2*MSFT as the symbol directly in an advanced chart. I believe I hv done this before. But I tried again but it didn't work.... Any advice??

    The reason I want to do it is b'coz I want to display two symbols in the same chart. However, I want the scale to be right so I would like to normalize them first. For example, one symbol may be $INDU and another symbol may be $SPX * 10 so both symbol will be in similiar scale...

    How to do it? thx.

  • #2
    See this article on Spreads in the eSignal KnowledgeBase that also explains how to apply a weight to a symbol.
    Note that when using a single symbol in the chart the number must include one decimal (even if it is 0). For example if you want 2MSFT you need to write it as 2.0MSFT. This is not required when the weight is applied to a symbol in a spread

