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How do I view alot of charts quickly?

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  • How do I view alot of charts quickly?


    Past user of stockcharts now with eSignal. At stockcharts you could view 10 charts per page at a time and quickly see all charts stored for review in a folder in a few minutes, updating as needed.

    Do we have this feature or something close at eSignal?

    I save my charts in folders located on the favorites toolbar. but I can't make this a "hotkey" or get to it as a shortcut.

    Does anyone know how to view many many charts quickly rather than always having to click to get to the folder a couple of times (very time consuming imo)

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2

    You may get a couple of suggestions but I'd experiment by creating various "pages" with 8-10 charts in each and then you can simply click through page to page via the Page Toolbar. Here's more on pages vs layouts.

    Depending on whether you are looking at different symbols in each chart or simply different time periods (5 min, 15 min daily, etc), for different time periods, auto-linking works great. Each chart changes based on your cursor moving w/in a quote window. Here's more on auto-linking.

    Lastly, if you haven't stepped through the eSignal New User Orientation site, you might find some helpful tips there as well.

    Hope that helps.



    • #3
      BTW, if I hv 5 charts of ES on different time-frame, is it going to consume as much computing power as another 5 charts for 5 different symbols??? thx.


      • #4
        Hello Richard,

        There is a slightly larger amount of data being requested when pulling down data for multiple symbols as opposed to multiple time frames of the same symbol. This request is non-noticeable from an end user standpoint and shouldn't affect the CPU resources unless you happen to be running multiple EFS studies on the charts in question.

        If you are running into extreme CPU spikes, you may want to check the System Requirements for eSignal to insure that you have the necessary horsepower for your particular needs.

