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no DataManager at startup

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  • no DataManager at startup

    I have no idea when or how this happened but when I start eSignal it won't open the Data Manager like it has in the past. However it will close the DM when exiting if that option is chose. I tried opening eSignal both as stand alone and thru my integrated broker MB trading. No dice opening the DM either way. I have been in the habit of manually opening the DM before starting the programs it supplies data to for so long that I have no idea when this behavior began. To complicate things I also use and frequently update both Ensign and WizeTrade. WT being a program that has hosed the dbcapi.dll file on occasions in the past and whose support team leaves much to be desired in legitimate troubleshooting techniques. FWIW both Ensign and WT will open the DM when starting. Any ideas how to fix this?

  • #2
    Well I uninstalled/reinstalled both MB and eSignal and still can't get the DM to start. Why will Ensign or WizeTrade auto start the DataManager but not the DM's own product?


    • #3
      Hi brianb,

      Have you checked to see if the DM is active in either the Windows Task Manager or if the DM icon is present in the icon systray?

      Reason being is that there's a setting in the DM that gives the option of having the DM display in the taskbar or not (in DM, Options, then check "Icon always on taskbar".

      Just want to be sure we're talking about the DM "appearing" not to load or actually not loading.



      • #4
        Yes there is no DM active. It is neither shown in the taskmanager or the system tray further more the quote windows show a no data message untill i manually start the DM then all info fills in as is should. This has me baffled. Like I said the other 2 programs will auto start the DM just fine but eSignal won't.
        What is the current version of the DM and is it different from the version in 7.7 build 679? Due to MB not integrating with 7.8 yet I'm still running 7.7 Although after reading of the many issues in 7.8 I'm glad I never updated. The bug with standard charts overlay (EDL#11166) is a deal breaker for me anyway.


        • #5
          Hi Brian,

          I wanted to follow up with you regarding the DM not starting automatically when you launched eSignal. Per the conversation you had with the technical representative, was he able to help get this resolved for you? Please let me know.


          • #6
            Thanks for the followup. No we couldn't get eSignal to start the DM but we did successfully fix the other issue. Since I have a work around and can't/won't try 7.8 I'll just wait it out till 7.9 and reinvestigate it then if the issue persists.

