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FOREX - List of Market Makers by Symbol

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  • FOREX - List of Market Makers by Symbol

    I would like a list of Market Makers names by their symbol as appears in Mkt Depth window for FOREX dealers.

    I found the link for stocks but it was not inclusive of forex.


  • #2
    Hello Dave,

    I think this is the list you are looking for. Please let me know.


    • #3
      Dealers Missing

      Thanks Duane that is helpful however it is incomplete.
      For instance I show for CAD A0-FX the following that are not on that list: HASE, BBX. I have not checked for other currencies.

      On a different subject, Alexis made a few suggestions but to no avail. When I respond as reply in my Outlook Express to email from group I belong to, keeping the tag line intact, it does not show up on the forum. Can you help. As an alternate I would like to past copy into this Your Reply: area from other sources but can't seem to do that either. Do you have any suggestions?



      • #4

        We'll make contact with GTIS and get an updated list of contributors. We'll report back once we have that updated on our site.

        In terms of using email when posting and getting replies, something does appear broken. We haven't figured out the problem yet but we are looking to upgrade to a newer version of the forums software and hopefully that'll resolve the problem. Looking at an ETA of 4-6 weeks.



        • #5
          Thanks Scott. Both for the reply and reassurance on the email thing that it isn't me!

          Would you also have an ETA on the new EFS2?
          I am looking forward to it.



          • #6
            Hello Dave,

            The plan is to have EFS2 ready for the 7.9 release, which is still a couple months away.
            Jason K.
            Project Manager
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            • #7
              Re: Dealers Missing

              Still working to update the complete list but here are the two you were looking for:

              BBX is Broker Box, London

              HASE is Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong

              Originally posted by mooseman
              Thanks Duane that is helpful however it is incomplete.
              For instance I show for CAD A0-FX the following that are not on that list: HASE, BBX. I have not checked for other currencies.

