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  • depth & trend reversals

    Question 1) When looking at a market depth window, specifically for gnvc, i'll notice the bid and ask will be within' a penny of each other...yet a trade will tick by on the time & sales colum of the market depth that is 10, 20, 30 cents or more lower or higher than the bid/ask?

    How does this happen?

    Question 2) When forecasting with the fib tools, how can one determine if a trend has reversed vs. a normal pullback? At what percentage on a fib retracement would the pullback be considered a reversal?

  • #2

    The Time and Sales ticker within the Market Depth window is primarily geared for bid and ask. While the bid and ask may be .20 to .30 cents above or below the current spread, it shouldn't be used as an indicator of the current inside bid or ask. More often than not, these are primarily limit orders that are being sent a preset level.

    In regards to your question about the Fibonacci retracement; the .618 retracement level is often regarded as the line in the sand that differentiates between deep pullbacks and complete trend reversals. Hope this helps.

