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Quotes having problems

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  • Quotes having problems

    I have no idea why but @ 2:13am EST right now... my quotes are mostly show "no data" then after 15-20 mins... some of them start showing up.

    Only some... the majority remain empty.
    My charts are working fine.

    Any comments? See pic attached.
    BTW... I restarted multiple times. Didn't do much.

  • #2
    Restarted esignal several times and this is what I get after waiting 20mins.


    • #3
      Looks like my old problem has never gone away. Still sticking around somewhere in the back.


      • #4
        Basically, it's the same as the old problem.

        For the eSignal guys, I really hope you can figure this one out soon because it's a major pain everytime there's a rollover coming.

        I always favor using the ES #F or NQ #F continuation symbols over the quarterly symbols for historical charting reasons.
        As such, to deal with the old issues, I had to ensure both my quote screen and charts were using the same continuation symbols shown above.

        The emini continuation symbols I use have flipped over to the June contract but I'm currently Short in the March contract.

        As such, to monitor the ES March position I have, I had to change the ES #F as seen in my quote window below to ES H5. I had totally forgotten about the old problem.

        When I attempted to restart eSignal later, the problem appeared. Basically, if I want to be able to use my quotes... I have to ensure they're using the same symbol as my chart.

        IE. If I use ES #F in my charts, I have to use ES #F in my quote window. I can't use ES H5.

        I have no idea why and eSignal never seemed to figure it out either. I hope you guys can check my connection servers, symbol limits or something. There must be a problem somewhere. FYI, I had reinstalled eSignal before to no avail.



        • #5
          Hi Anson,

          Thanks for the images, it definitely helps isolate what could be happening. Everything from a Data Manager and symbol count perspective looks ok. If you wouldn't mind sending me a copy of this layout / page, I would like to run it locally to see if I get the same result. I'll send my direct email address to you via a Private Message.

          Also, do other pages and layouts work properly or is this issue across the board? I don't believe this is a server issue, but I'll be able to tell more if I run it locally. Thanks.


          • #6
            Hi Duane,

            Thanks for checking.

            I will play with my page file and totally new pages to see if I can reach any conclusion first. (I'm kinda familiar with the problem by now lol)

            Will come back to you...

