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Need a List of Stocks for each Exchange

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  • Need a List of Stocks for each Exchange

    Does eSignal have a seperate list of stock Symbols for each of the following exchanges? The site has a list but it is a mix of all the exchanges together.

    If not I would be very grateful if can somebody kindly e mail me the list preferably in .txt format.

    I checked the respective sites but they only give the symbol query result not the whole list.

    I need Symbol List for :

    (1) NYSE
    (2) S&P 500
    (3) S&P 100
    (2) Nasdaq Composite
    (3) Nasdaq 100
    (4) Amex
    (5) OTC
    (6) Dow 30
    (7) Philadelphia Stock Exchange

    Thank You in Advance

  • #2
    You can find the components lists for the S&P 100, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 and Dow Industrials at the CBOE by selecting the corresponding index under Products->Index Sites.
    For AMEX, NYSE, Nasdaq Composite contact the respective exchanges and they should be able to provide you the complete listings


    • #3
      These files are a year old, many small cap stocks have changed their symbols since then (added an e to the end of the symbol), but it should get you started. I wrote a program to cross-refernce the stock to the industry sectors via using a data mining harvestor I wrote. I got MetaStock to email me some of the original data (I think it was the NYSE symbols). I believe you can also find the companies that comprise the S&P 500 & Dow 100 from the NYSE web site and likewise with the Nasdaq 100.

      You may notice that some of the exchanges provide the type of stock, i.e. small cap, medium cap, large cap.

      companies.txt unzipped, 1.6Mb

      company, symbol, exchange, type, sector, industry, revenue, gp, net

      The prices given are for the 2001 to 2003 financial years (I haven't updated the data since), but should be good enough to give an idea to company size and growth (if you compare to last fin year).
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Mike2; 05-09-2005, 06:25 AM.


      • #4
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Mike2; 05-09-2005, 06:11 AM.


        • #5
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          • #6
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Mike2; 05-09-2005, 06:13 AM.


            • #7
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Hi Mike

                Hi Mike,

                I am looking for the Symbol list grouped by the exchange and Index. For example a List of all the stocks listed on NYSE or say Amex.

                Do you have them sorted in that manner or can you tell me where can I find it?

                I managed to get a list for S & P 500, S & P 100 and Nasdaq 100 thru CBOE site as suggested by Alex.

                Thank you Alex.

                But I still couldn't find the list for :

                (1) NYSE
                (2) Amex
                (3) OTC
                (4) Philadelphia Stock Exchange
                (6) Russell 2000

                Thank You.


