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Marking a chart

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  • Marking a chart


    I am wondering if there are any possibilities to mark up interesting areas of a chart in Esignal with an ellipse or a rectangle or something similar. To somehow enhance an area that I find interesting.

    I enlose a picture from AmiBroker, where they have ellipses that you can easily put on the chart (and change the size of it etc etc) if you want to enhance an area in the chart.

    Does this function exist in any way in Esignal? If not: why? It can not be very hard to put that function in the program - and I am guessing that I am not the only one who would like it.

    I know I can always write texts, which is good. But sometimes I dont really want to spend time writing a text. I just want to be able to easily just point out an area of the chart that I find interesting.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Dr Zoom
    Those drawing tools/functions are not available at this time.
    You may want to send your suggestion to [email protected]

