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Data Manager keep disconnecting

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  • Data Manager keep disconnecting


    My Data Manager keep disconnecting when the price is moving fast. Today, it got disconnected and re-connected 5 times within half an hour.

    When it got disconnected, the "Reception" says "NODATA" and "Password" says "NONE".

    It is not my internet connection because my J-Trader is still receiving price data. I can also surf the web. And I can also ping the eSignal main ticker plant at "". But the Data Manager just would not re-connect. I have to wait for at least 1 minute, and the longest was 5 minutes before it finally got re-connected again. And this disconnection-reconnection happens 5 times within half an hour! Very frustrating. Can someone please help me solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: I am using only 2 symbols, YM and ZB. Not too much right?

  • #2

    Thank you for the details. Because there are so many variables that could cause this, anything specific can make a world of difference. One thing that comes to mind is the possible presence of Ad-ware or Spyware on your system. There are a few key ones that can cause fits with Data Manager. Have you run any scans for this sort of thing and if so, what was the result?

    Here are some of the offending applications that can cause this sort of behavior. Within this article are some applications that can be used to remove them from your system.

    I've seen on occasion where certain ISP's that use dynamic addresses can knock users off the system as the Data Manager sees the new IP address as a secondary user. Being the j-Trader is still staying connected; you may want to check to see if your ISP is changing your IP address on a semi regular basis throughout the day. These are two possible culprits. If neither of these resolves the disconnecting, you may want to give the Technical Support Team a call so we can monitor the status of you connection.

    Click here to view the contact information for the Technical Support Department.


    • #3
      Hi Duane,

      Thank you so much for your reply.

      I have a Spyware scanner and my system is clean. My ISP uses dynamic IP address but the address assigned to me usually last for 10 hours or more (according to the address leasing info from DHCP). But I don't stay connected that long So I don't think it's a new IP address that causes me to become a secondary user. Besides the "Password" field says "None".

      Most of the time, Data Manager is ok. The disconnection-reconnection problem usually happens when price is moving very fast. And this is the most frustrating because I can't chart the price movement during a fast market.

      Could it be my router? Could it be that under heavy load, the router cannot handle the traffic? BTW my PC is the only machine that is connected to the router. Thanks!



      • #4

        I think we can rule out the possibility of this being a router issue for the time being. As you mentioned, you are only pulling down the data for two symbols. Even with some of the most complex data crunching, it shouldn't be enough to overload the router. The bottleneck would likely occur in the front end processing of that data.

        I know you mentioned having a system clean of Spyware, but have you run any Ad-ware scans? Spyware scans are good, but I've seen cases where certain adware files can slip past and continue to cause ongoing problems. The fact that you've noticed this primarily during fast times in the market could indicate a possible processing issue. Is the computer in question up to the minimum system requirements? Thanks again for the info...we'll keep working with this...


        • #5
          Hi Duane,

          Thanks again for your wonderful help. My system meets the requirements. They are:

          AMD Athlon XP 1900+
          512MB RAM
          80GB hard disk
          GeForce4 4200Ti graphics card with 2 monitors

          My spyware scanner, Spy Sweeper, does scan for adware too, and it's clean. Yesterday, I noticed that Data Manager does get disconnected even during "quiet" market situation. So it is not only during fast market, but also during slow market condition that Data Manager does get disconnected. But I got disconnected only once yesterday. Not too bad. Meanwhile, just as you recommended, I will try to get another spyware/adware scanner to reinforce Spy Sweeper.

          Do you think it could be my ISP doing something at their side that interrupted Data Manager? If so, can you kindly tell me what could it be so that I can ask them about it. Thanks!


          PS: BTW, I am using an ADSL 512 kbps line.


          • #6
            It happened again, 3 disconnections within 30 mins, and market condition was quiet. Sigh.... what could be wrong? Is there anything I can get my ISP to help? Or change ISP


            • #7

              If you wouldn't mind, could you please Private Message me your eSignal username and a number where we can contact you? I have a sinking suspicion that this may be related to the ISP, but I would like to have a technical support representative contact you so we can confirm that. Thanks.

