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How Do I Make & Apply Time Templates for tick charts?

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  • How Do I Make & Apply Time Templates for tick charts?

    I am still learning Advanced charts & have a few questions.

    I would like to download & Save tick Charts for a few commodities, Index futures, and QQQQ.

    I would like to know :

    (1) How do I download say 100 tick chart for a total of 10 different commodities, Index futures & QQQQ for Regular trading hours ?

    (2) Can I make one time template for all those 10 OR do I have to make a different one for each of them?

    (3) How do I make a time template for Regular trading hours for a future, Index future & QQQQ ?

    (4) I read that I can save tick charts. Can you please tell me how to save them in a folder of my choice on another partition other than the OS partition & not in the eSignal folder ?

    (5) How many days of tick data can I store and can I keep updating them so that I can have longer history of tick data rather than just a few days? How do I do that?

    Thank You.

  • #2
    1) Not sure what you mean with "How do I download say 100 tick chart..". Are you asking how to download the data or how to create a 100 tick chart?
    In the first case use the Tick Replay tool. For information and instructions on how to use the Tick Replay tool see this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase.
    In the second case simply type 100t or 100T as the interval
    Note that at this time you cannot select the Start/End times of a tick based chart. You can only select how many days of tick based data you can plot (up to a maximum of 10 days)
    2) You can create one Time Template and then apply it to all the charts you want.
    3) For information on Time Templates run a search in the eSignal KnowledgeBase and also in this Bulletin Board as this is a toipic that has been discussed extensively
    With regards to the other questions you should find most if not all that information in the eSignal Knowledgebase. Also you may want to go through some of the videos available in the eSignal Univeristy


    • #3
      Hi Alexis,

      I meant downloading the 100 tick chart and then saving it on my hard drive along with the data that made up that chart so that I can bring that chart up offline at any time to play tick by tick or use that 100 tick chart for other kind of analysis.

      Can I do that?

      In short can I save 10 days of tick data on my hard drive and if yes how?



      • #4
        Yes you can do it with the Tick Downloader/Replay Tool.
        You can find information on the tool and the instructions at the link I provided in my earlier reply

