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copy advanced chart...

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  • copy advanced chart...

    If I have an undocked (floating) advanced chart and I wish to make an exact duplicate of it on my screen with all the loaded indicators etc, what is the fastest way to do that?

    For example, if I'm using Internet Explorer I just hit Ctrl+N and I have a duplicate window with the same context. Is that sort of feature available. If not, what is the quickest way do accomplish that?

    Standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • #2

    I believe the quickest way to do this would be to open a new Advanced Chart window using hotkeys. First save the chart w/studies as a Style Template. Once saved, use a hotkey to open a new Advanced Chart window. Once open, you can use a second hotkey to apply a particular Style Template (i.e. the one you initially saved.)

    It takes just a few moments to set up, but can make things more efficient in the long run. Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Hi Duane,

      I'd forgotten about hot keys so that certainly speeds things up a bit.

      Am I correct that with respect to the style the best you can do is assign a hot key to open the "Load Style" dialog box? You then need to select the style and click OK to apply it right?

      You can't get it to open a specific style with a hot key can you? If you can then how?

      Thanks again.
      Standing on the shoulders of giants.


      • #4
        Hi Wildfiction,

        There are actually two ways to do this. Both of them will involve the hotkeys. If you want this particular Style Template to be the default, then you can use a hotkey to directly apply that template to the new chart. By doing this, you save time because you don't have to choose the template to be applied; however, you may not want it to be your default.

        The other method is as you outlined. By opening a new Advanced Chart, and then using a hotkey to open the Style Template dialog box, you can then choose the appropriate Template. The drawback is that you have to go through the dialog to choose the template in question. It basically comes down to what you want as your default Style Template. Here is an image of setting this up for the first scenario. Hope this helps.


        • #5
          Thanks Duane - that's what I thought when I looked at the hotkeys. From your earlier message though it looked like you might be able to assign a hotkey per style template and bypass the dialog box - thanks for your help.
          Standing on the shoulders of giants.


          • #6
            I've sent an email to [email protected] with the following text:


            I would like a new/copy chart feature much like the way that Internet Explorer loads a new window in the “same context” as another window with the Ctrl+N key combination.

            So if I had a floating chart of the ES #F=2 with 5 indicators etc. on it I would like to be able to hit a key combination that would duplicate that chart. My reason behind this is that I often want to look at another symbol without taking my eyes off the original symbol but want to see exactly the same indicators with the same configuration. So once the new window was open I would then change the symbol.

            I have been discussing this with DuaneG in this thread:

            Standing on the shoulders of giants.


            • #7
              Do I have the wrong email address for ideas at eSignal? This is the response I have received after receiving several intermittent emails saying that it was still trying:
              This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

              A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. The following addresses failed:

              <[email protected]>

              connection to mail exchanger failed with timeout
              retry timeout exceeded
              Standing on the shoulders of giants.


              • #8
                Hi wildfiction,

                Actually it is


                • #9
                  Thanks - I've resent it.
                  Standing on the shoulders of giants.

