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dbcapi.dll file

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  • dbcapi.dll file

    Seeking advice to cure freezing of Volume charts.

    Came across this on esignal....

    Buffer Overrun Error, Winsig.exe Crashes - Clearing Up a DBCAPI.DLL Conflict

    The file dbcapi.dll is used by eSignal to operate within the Microsoft Windows environment. It's the principle file that manages the functions between the eSignal Data Manager and the eSignal Charting application. It's also used by all eSignal-compatible Third Party software. Each time you upgrade to a new version of eSignal, the older version of the dbcapi.dll is overwritten.

    We have run across occurrences where when a third party software is installed, an older version of the dbcapi.dll appears in the Windows Directory. This can result in eSignal using the outdated version of the dbcapi.dll and can cause servere side effects when new functions are called. Typically, this is seen as either a buffer overrun error or a winsig.exe crash.

    The remedy is to rename the outdated version so eSignal uses the more current version. We suggest renaming the older dbcapi.dll files to dbcapi.old. This is a safe procedure as all newer dbcapi.dll are backward compatible.

    I have 3 dbcapi.dll files one in each of....
    C:\Program Files\eSignal
    C:\Program Files\AmiBrker

    I don't use Amibroker anymore but not sure whether to re-name all 3 as dbcapi.dll.old. easpecially the WINNT\syste32 ?

    Also will esignal create a new file on next start up(not downlaod) if I delete all 3?

    Appreciate any feedback.

    Last edited by swan; 06-11-2005, 01:50 PM.

  • #2
    You must not rename the one in the eSignal folder as that is required by eSignal to connect to the servers.
    I would suggest you rename the other instances and run the configuration for a while and once you are sure that all is functioning properly then delete the other instances of the dbcapi.dll (again though not the one in the eSignal folder)


    • #3
      Alex, as always, thanks for your reply.

      I'm running Win 2000 Pro.
      The dbcapi.dll file in
      C:\WINNT\system32, that is nothing to do with windows, and is ok to rename..?

      Another question if I may.
      In light of trying to cure my volume charts from freezing I am thinking of upgrading from 7.6 to 7.9.

      I understand that the ESF2 are written more efficiently.
      I don't understand what happens to all the ESF formula that I have, especially my Jurik studies.

      Do I have to re-write these or are these aotomatically converted to EFS2 as it is the case that it's rather the way these formula are read and applied to the charts that changes automatically ?

      Am I correct in thinking this may well improve the problem I have with volume charts freezing ?

      Forgive my ignorance and many thx in advance..

      Last edited by swan; 06-12-2005, 02:05 AM.


      • #4

        The dbcapi.dll file in C:\WINNT\system32, that is nothing to do with windows, and is ok to rename..?

        Yes you can rename it

        Do I have to re-write these or are these aotomatically converted to EFS2 as it is the case that it's rather the way these formula are read and applied to the charts that changes automatically ?

        You should not need to rewrite them. The new formula engine will run both EFS1 and EFS2 studies.

        Am I correct in thinking this may well improve the problem I have with volume charts freezing ?

        As I am not familiar with the problem I would not know

