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Problem in 7.9.1 remembering window/chart locations accross multiple monitors

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  • Problem in 7.9.1 remembering window/chart locations accross multiple monitors

    I just upgraded to 7.9.1 from 7.8 and am having a frustrating problem: when switching between pages 7.9 will not remember the window/chart locations on the 2nd display. They show up minimized on the task bar, but when you open them they all default to full screen on the main display and you have to set them all back up again.

    I've never had this problem with any versions up until now. I've also searched the KB and tried everything I can think of to no avail.

    Any ideas?


  • #2

    The only window that has historically had this sort of issue was the Order Entry Window. Does this behavior happen with all Page files or is it tied to this particular one? Let’s start with a fresh page and see if this continues. I haven't heard of any other reports of this on the new version. Please let me know.


    • #3
      It happens with all pages. I saved them as a Layout too but it pulls them up the same way. I'll try a new Page from scratch but that will have to wait for the weekend.



      • #4
        I just tried creating a new Page and Layout but the exact same thing happens. It just refuses to remember the window positions on the 2nd monitor.

        Like I mentioned, I've never had this problem before and nothing has been changed on this PC in terms of hardware or software. It's a W2k machine with ATI graphics if that's of any importance.


        • #5

          It doesn't sound as if this is the case but do you have all the window contained within the main Signal window or are they detached?

          I have had a problem with windows within the main window not saving their positions when I use the main window scrollbars and the scrollbar is all the way to the left (normal position). When I open up I have had to reconfigure 23 different windows! By chance I saved the page with the scrollbar all the way to the right and the windows save their positions. This doesn't help you but I have been able to create and save detached windows on a 2nd monitor OK but only if I remember to unlock the page before I create the windows.


          • #6
            They're detached and the page was unlocked.

            There's something else odd too. As long as the windows are in the main screen/attached they show up in the Window/Windows menu. When they're detached they do not show up there, and any global changes like Time templates only affect the windows in the main, but not the detached ones.


            • #7
              Tech support couldn't duplicate my problem, and after reinstalling the software according to their instructions the problem still persisted, so I figured it had to be something local.

              So I began playing with some settings in ATI's Hydravision software and through process of elimination found the culprit. You need to have Application Position Memory turned off and everything works fine. I don't know why this is the case because all previous versions of eSignal have worked fine with it turned on, but that seems to be the cause of my problem.

