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Import: SI - Time zone discussion

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  • Import: SI - Time zone discussion

    From Silicon Investor:

    From: Steve Lee
    Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003 4:47 AM

    Is it possible to set the eSignal clock and the PC's own clock to be in different timezones?
    I am in the UK and we put the clocks forward into summertime this week. This is 6 hrs ahead of EST. SO my intraday charts hve a time template that runs from 15:30 to 22:00. But that means when I look at last week with that template, I miss the first hour of trading as UK was only 5 hrs ahead of EST last week.

    Would be a lot simpler if I could just tell eSignal to operate with NY time.
    To:Steve Lee
    From: macavity
    Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003 9:59 PM

    I agree.
    I am in Tokyo.
    I had to set my clock to UK time as Tokyo time does not work as we roll over a day when US is open.

    Summer time just made it go crazy so I took it off.
    (Hell I will use my watch instead)

    Surely you can use the MS Windows Date/Time functionality in eSignal.
    Time Templates should be all in Local time with a Timezone specified from a dropdown. I am sure you can embedd the functionality in other applications in Windows.

    It really would be easier for the users and would allow a user to trade markets on days different to the day that their PC is set to.


    - macavity

    Message #3027 from Steve Lee at Apr 3, 2003 6:06 AM

    Hi, any chance of addressing the time zone issues in posts 3021 & 3022?
    It is a real problem for those of us outside of the US for two weeks of the year. That's 5% of the whole trading year!

    Steve and macavity,

    Thank you for your suggestions.

    I know this has been requested in the past and is on the suggestion list, however is not likely to be done in the near term. This type of change would be complex in eSignal. The best work-around is to either create a special set of Time Templates to be used during the referenced two weeks, or set the local PC Time Zone to match the US markets. The downside of the latter is that this can cause other issues for other applications; not to mention the mental challenge of seeing your local PC clock saying it is 8-16 hours earlier then it actually is.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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  • #2
    Time Zones

    As you suggest I reset my PC clock.

    The time templates do not work over midnight for those of us in Asia.

    09:30 - 16:00 EST = 23:30 - 06:00 TOKYO

    Once you go over midnight, the spell wears off!


