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moving averages

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  • moving averages

    I keep opening different charts in Advanced charting and trying to apply different lengths of moving averages to different futures contracts and then I add them to my favorites. When I open up another advanced chart and change the parameters of the MA I want on that particular contract it also changes the rest of my charts in the favorites to that parameter.?? In my charting I need to apply different lengths of MA's to diff markets and also different Momentum lengths to diff. markets also. How can I apply a set of indicators to a market or spread and have that chart remain with that indicator and keep it handy in my favorites?

  • #2
    What do you mean by "I add them to my favorites"?
    What favorites?


    • #3

      Ya when I apply the studies to the advanced chart I push the add button in the upper left corner and then I add them to whatever folder I want. The box is labeled "Add Favorite"


      • #4
        If you are talking about the + sign in the top left corner of the chart, that has nothing to do with settings for studies.
        That is only to add your favorite Symbol, Intervals or combination thereof to the list on that bar.
        To edit the studies (such as a moving average for example) you need to right click a chart then go to Edit Studies, then select from the dropdown list the study you want to edit.
        May I suggest also that you visit the Advanced Charting Resource Center at the link below


        • #5
          I know the plus sign has nothing to do with editing studies.... I can edit studies just fine . The problem is when Edit studies on one chart, every chart reflects the changes. I need to save the edited studies that I make on that particular chart and not have the changes reflect on all the charts.


          • #6
            Do you mean that if you open a new chart and apply to that the same study it has the same parameters of the other chart?
            If so then it would seem that you are saving the settings as Default every time you change and apply them.


            • #7

              Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
              Do you mean that if you open a new chart and apply to that the same study it has the same parameters of the other chart?
              If so then it would seem that you are saving the settings as Default every time you change and apply them.


              • #8
                OK...if I apply a moving average to Swiss Franc of 29 day MA of the High and also apply a 11 day MA of the open then I trade the crossovers of these 2 MA's. Then I want to save that chart with THOSE parameters, so I add that Advanced chart to my favorites. Then I open up another advanced chart and add another 2 MA's of different lengths and click ok and then add that chart to my favorites ....when I check back to the Swiss Franc chart, the parameters I applied to the second chart now show on the SF chart, not the 29 and 11 day I originally applied. So how can I put together a group of charts all with different MA lengths and parameters so I can keep track of them daily without applying the different MA's every day??? :-( I hope that explains it better.


                • #9
                  One thing that could be done is to create and save various charts with the settings that you want. You could possibly save them under a special directory under the eSignal folder and make sure that they have appropriate descriptive file names.

                  Then when you have a chart open you could right click within the chart and under the "Style Templates" menu load the the style (saved file from before) that you would want to apply. If you did this consistently then the most used templates would then also show up under the same menu with the list of recently used files.


                  • #10

                    As I said before Favorites has nothing to do with studies. All Favorites does is create a symbol/interval combination that can easily be recalled at any time. No settings for studies or efs are saved when adding to Favorites.

                    To do what you want you have two options.

                    The first one is to open a new Advanced Chart, load the symbol in the desired interval and apply all the studies with the appropriate settings, then go to File->Save (or Save As...) and save that Advanced Chart with a name of your choice. (there is also a Save icon in the main toolbar).
                    This option saves all the information contained in a chart ie symbol, interval, studies, efs installed, their settings, any lines you may have drawn, etc so that you can completely close that chart and recall it in exactly the same state it was last saved by selecting File->Open (or clicking the Open icon on the main toolbar).

                    The second option is to open a new Advanced Chart, then apply all the studies and efs and any chart Properties you may want to change. Note that I have not mentioned in this case that you also need to set the symbol and/or interval.
                    When you have completed editing the settings of all the studies, efs, chart Properties, etc then right click the chart and select Style Templates->Save... and save with a name of your choice.
                    You can now recall this Style Template and apply it to any chart - irrespective of symbol and interval - by right click on the chart and selecting Style Templates->Load.... The 4 most recently used Style Templates will also appear in the same context menu.

                    Hope this helps



                    • #11
                      THANKS! Will do. That's a very cumbersome way to save customized charts. In tradestation it was much easier... :-(

