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Spread Charts reliant on Components updating?

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  • Spread Charts reliant on Components updating?

    I was using the previous version of eSignal before I finally upgraded to 7.9.1 today. I had a simple Spread chart which consisted of several stocks added together. No special formulas or anything.

    I could use the pre-mkt and after-mkt time template on the chart fine. IE. 8am EDT to 6:30pm EDT.

    But after this version upgrade... the chart seems to have failed to work. It works fine on Daily and even the regular hours but the pre-mkt and after-mkt parts of the chart seem to have issues.

    Let's pretend it was MSFT + INTC + CSCO

    Trying this now on the latest update of eSignal and using a 30min chart with the 8am to 6:30pm template... it works fine.

    But if we add JPM into the spread chart, it now messes up. Portions of the pre-mkt and after-mkt data seem to disappear on the spread chart.

    I pull out the JPM 30mins chart alone with the pre/after mkt time template and I believe I knnow what the cause is - there are several missing time pieces. Say one day it doesn't show anything past 5pm. On another day it had 4:30pm last. On yet another it has last print on chart at 5:30pm.

    This causes the spread chart to mess up. It seems that as long as any of the component stocks in the spread chart has even one empty time bar... the spread chart doesn't display anything at all. IE. All the other 3 components added together disappear too for that time bar.

    To confirm this, I pulled out individual charts of MSFT, INTC and CSCO one by one and true enough... each of them had complete and existant data for every single 30mins time bar from pre-mkt to post-mkt. IE. 8am to 6:30pm.
    Even if either one of the stocks didn't make much of a move at all, it would at least print one flat line of a price there.

    In conclusion, as long as one component in a spread chart has a missing time bar print... the spread chart messes up and fails to display that time bar itself... not even the existing data from the other 3 component stocks.

    1. Is this a known issue?
    2. Is a resolution on the way?
    3. Why do I only see this issue with the latest version and not the former? Can I resolve this?

    I believe the issue can be solved by having the stocks with missing time bars (ie. no print during that 30mins etc) simply re-print the last traded price. Or have spread charts intelligently use the previous print to add to (in this example) the other 3 components for the spread chart result.

    Hope eSignal can respond.

    ps. I will be happy to post pictures if requested.
    Last edited by Anson; 07-20-2005, 07:40 AM.

  • #2
    Hi Anson,

    After testing on an older version versus our latest version, we were able to duplicate the same issue. I will submit it to our programmers for a possible bug and will get back to you as soon as I get a response.

    Thank you.
    Joe B.
    Community Support Group
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    • #3
      Originally posted by JoeB
      Hi Anson,

      After testing on an older version versus our latest version, we were able to duplicate the same issue. I will submit it to our programmers for a possible bug and will get back to you as soon as I get a response.

      Thank you.
      Looking forward to an update. Thanks JoeB.

      By the way... could I simply copy the old version directory backup I had over this current version (will make a backup of course) and get the old version functioning again?

      I would hate to wait for a 7.9.2 release unless there's some other solution to the issue.


