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Changes in Esignal?

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  • Changes in Esignal?

    The past few days when loading Esignal is taking much longer to load, 5:48 minutes to be exact and it's consuming a lot more memory.

    I recently upgraded to 7.9.1 which didn't rectify the problem.

    What has changed in Esignal? Is it something else within my system? Would a clean uninstall followed by a clean install correct it?

  • #2

    There are a few possible causes for increased loading times with eSignal. One of the first things that should be looked at is the amount of lines that reside in the various Advanced Charts you may be using. These lines, left unchecked, can significantly increase the size of the Page or Layout. You may want to check the lines applied to the charts and try working with a new Page or Layout to determine if there is a reduction in the initial load time.


    • #3
      I currently can't access Line List from an advanced chart menu.

      Thanks for your valuable help Duane.


      • #4

        If you are trying to access the Line List from the top menu it will not be part of it. You will have to right click the mouse inside the Advanced Chart, go to Line Tools and Line List will be the 7th line starting from the top.
        If you do not have any lines in that chart, Line List will be grayed-out.
        Right click the mouse on every Advanced Chart you have in your Layout or Page.
        What version did you have previously? What are the specs of your PC?


        • #5
          That's how I'm trying to access it. The line list is grayed out.

          What exactly is the line list?

          I had the 7.9 version. I have 1 GHz, 523 KB, 160 GB Hard drive with Esignal across 3 monitors.


          • #6

            The line list is a list that will display trendlines, fibonacci lines or any line drawn to the chart in the past 30 days (or more). This list will allow you to remove the lines that are not longer needed.
            Removing "old" lines decreases the size of the page or layout easing the load of the windows and contents.
            If you do not draw lines in your charts, then the Line List is grayed out.

            How many windows do you have in your three monitors? Are they charts? what kind?

            click here for system requirement information.


            • #7
              I have a few indicators but no lines so the line list grayed out is correct.

              My specs are currently satisfactory. I have redone my symbol list which Esignal tracks. There are about 28 symbols now.

              8 charts, quoteboard, time and sales in the opening page.


              • #8

                What kind of charts are you using? Intraday, Daily ot Tick charts?
                what kind of indicators? How many per chart? Any Formulas?
                Are you following the e-minis?

                What version of eSignal did you have before?

                Have you run the Task Manager to see if your CPU usage is reaching 100%?

                Your PC specs are close to the minimum requirements and we need to get more information to determine if it was the upgrade (in case the version you had previously was too old; or if it is the system that is running out of resources.



                • #9
                  I'm sure all the questions you asked are quite relevant to the issue at hand, but the interesting fact that goes to the heart of the question is the number of charts, indicators, EFS2 formulas being used, PC specs were the same a week ago along with Esignal version 7.9.

                  Prior to upgrading to 7.9.1, as I stated above, a week ago, I started experiencing long bootup times and increased computer resource consumption.


                  • #10
                    Any suggestions, ideas?


                    • #11

                      If the upgrade was from eSignal 7.9 to 7.9.1 and as you mentioned before, no additions or changes have been made to the eSignal Page or Layout, as well as to the content of each of your windows within that page, nothing should be different.

                      eSignal 7.9 is exactly the same as eSignal 7.9.1, being 7.9.1 a fix of the 7.9 version. What build of eSignal 7.9.1 are you using? the latest build is 732.

                      A clean uninstall and reinstall of the eSignal software should correct any discrepancies.

                      Click here for directions to completely remove the program. You can rename the eSignal folder to save any files you will like to preserve.


