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style templates help

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  • style templates help

    I am trying to set up a template on 2 yrs of daily bars with vertical lines on specific dates.

    Seems to me this should be able to saved as a style template... but when the saved style template is applied to a different symbol (other than the symbol used to create and save the style template), the lines are not applied.

    What am I missing here regarding style templates?

  • #2
    Style Templates are used to save the properties of a chart (such as the type of chart, colors, fonts, studies, Line Tools, etc) so that you can quickly apply them to any other chart.
    Line Tools however are specific to a symbol so while they will be carried over with a Style Template they will only show when that symbol is loaded in the chart to which you have applied the Style Template.
    You will need an efs to do what you want.


    • #3
      That blows!!

      I can understand the limitation for trend or Horz lines, as Y-axis scale is potentially different symbol to symbol. But not vertical lines. The X-axis scale of an given interval, (as specified by the template) will always be same, regardless of symbol, right?

      So when will this limitation be removed??


      • #4
        I personally don't see it as a limitation and I would hope that this functionality is not changed as I would not want any of the Line Tools (vertical lines included) that I apply to a symbol to be displayed on any other symbol.
        Regardless the same task you describe can be accomplished with greater functionality and more efficiently using just a few simple lines of code.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
          That is not a limitation in my opinion and I would hope that this functionality is not changed as I would not want any of the Line Tools (vertical lines included) that I apply to a symbol to be displayed on any other symbol.
          Regardless the same task you describe can be accomplished with greater functionality and more efficiently using just a few simple lines of code.
          Were talking about style templates here. So YES YOU WOULD want the the same (vertical) line tools applied!

          As for greater functionality and efficiency via scripting... that's debatable. Depending on the nature of vertical lines, whether algorithmic or discretionary, for testing and modification, a script may be the most time consuming and most difficult to maintain.

          As example, EFS doesn't provide any way (that I know of) to ...

          determine the first trading day after the 3rd Friday of a month and draw a vertical. BTW, that's the first trading day (taking holidays into account) after option expiration (ie. the last tradable day for an option). Now change that to the first tradable Monday following instead of first tradable.

          What about something more esoteric...draw a vertical on on each full moon. Now change it new moon.

          Bottom line, EFS isn't appropriate for everything. Vertical lines should be able to be applied via a style template. This IS a limitation.


          • #6

            Obviously, in your opinion, you believe the lack of vertical lines in this application is a limitation. You need to send an email to eSignal with your request [email protected]. Personally, I do not believe this is a limitation as there is no demand for the functionality.

            I had created an efs to do this, although it is fairly complex (as this was just a subset of it's functionality). Here is the link . However, if you go to this link and look at the number of times the efs has been downloaded, you will see (at least at the time of this post) it has only been downloaded 11 times. When I tried to find this older post, I searched for the term 'vertical lines' . While there were 74 or so 'hits', only a small fraction of those dealt with similar functionality as you describe. Based on these two observations, the functionality that you want is not a popular one.

            If you were to write an efs to do just what you wanted, it should be fairly easy. My efs was written to save these files based on a particular symbol, however it could easily be modified by you to be independent of symbol.


            • #7

              What about something more esoteric...draw a vertical on on each full moon. Now change it new moon.

              Click here and download MoonPhase.efs which will automatically compute and draw on the chart all the moon phases.

              As to the other examples you mention, given that one would be applying those lines manually anyway I still find it easier and more efficient to write all the dates in a text file and have an efs read the file and draw all the lines in the appropriate locations (for all symbols) rather than scrolling around a chart adding vertical lines. FWIW an efs that can do that takes no more than 30 lines of code in total and is extremely easy to use and maintain.
              At this point I remain convinced of my previously stated opinions and will be excusing myself from this discussion


              • #8
                First off, let me say thanks to those providing suggestions. The idea of an external file containing the dates will be useful.

                But we will agree to disagree.

                The X-Axis scale of a given interval is persistent. The lines are already saved as part of the style template. Vertical lines should be able to be applied across symbols.

