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Detach Window Multiple Bugs

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  • Detach Window Multiple Bugs

    When I open up an advanced chart, and then click on the icon to detatch it from eSignal to have only that window, there are several problems when I right click on the chart.

    For example, I right click on the chart, and the ONLY way to get that right click menu is to actually select an option, it won't go away otherwise.

    Next, when I try and edit ANYTHING, if I do edit it a few times, and then try again, MANY MANY MANY times the window that pops up will be completely greyed out, like I didn't right click to edit anything. The only way to fix that is to right click, and pick Chart Properties *There might be others*, and then I have to close chart properties and then it'll work, until I edit something else, and then it happens again.

    I hope a recode of the application is coming in version 8 soon, if not, i'm going to have to reconsider moving to something else with better support and a company that strives to add new additions and just isn't about the money they can take from customers.

  • #2
    Hi, what version of Windows are you running? We'll attempt to duplicate it in house.

    This probably won't be fixed for v7.9.2 due out at the end of this year, but we'll see see what we can do for 8.0 (which will also bring about a number of GUI improvements).



    • #3
      It'll take more than a year just to fix a missed function that disabled a menu on accident.

      It's simple, detatch the chart. Play with the right click menu, text, trendlines... and try and edit them with the right click, sooner or later you will find you don't have this ability and it'll be greyed out.

      I'm a programmer myself and I must say if it takes more than a year... let alone 1 day to fix this problem... i'd be astounded in many ways than you can imagine.

      If it takes more than 3 months on a feature I rely on, to be fixed, please confirm this, and I'll my subscription to eSignal alltogether and be sure to inform all the reviewer sites and a few of my buddies that work at some respected trading/investing magazines of this, I can assure you of this.

