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Has anyone tested esignal on XP 64 OS

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  • Has anyone tested esignal on XP 64 OS

    I'm just wondering if esignal runs without any problems under this OS. Has anyone tested it as yet?


  • #2
    We are currently looking into this new series of processors with the hope of making sure eSignal works properly on them. Our testing is very thorough and quite lengthy as there's little existing documentation available to help us easily make changes. We are aware that a growing number of people are moving to these new operating systems, but there are still quite a few compatibility issues that the computer companies and software vendors will have to deal with. We need to be quite certain that any changes we make do not have adverse knock-on effects for existing 32 bit system users.

    The short answer is that whilst we're doing our very best to get our software working smoothly on the new 64 bit systems, this will not be totally achieved in the short term.

    If you require further information, please contact Technical Support



    • #3
      So far have there been any serious problems? Presumably 32-bit x86 apps should run fine unchanged on xp x64 (via WOW64) unless they are drivers or the like (such as antivirus and firewall software). I should be switching to x64 this week, and I'd like to know if there's a showstopper.



      • #4
        I'm particularly concerned with any problems in using winros.exe (=DataManager). I can live without esignal.exe.


        • #5
          The primary symptom that has been seen on 64-bit processors is that sometimes symbols will not populate with data in Quote Window. It is unknown at this time if this is caused by winsig.exe (eSignal) or winros.exe (Data Manager). One method of testing this is by using DDE links to Excel with the same symbols that are present in the Quote Window in eSignal.

          If the symbols update correctly in Excel, but have problems in the Quote Window, then it is fairly safe to assume the problem lies in eSignal.

          Please note that this Quote Window problem does not always occur based on the reports we have recieved into our technical support department.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Thanks. I do need reliable quote updating in Excel via DDE. I'll test that out and see how it works--although it might be difficult for me to do extensive testing unless they're willing to raise my authorized user count by 1 while I test.


            • #7
              Running fine here

