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How to make charts appear instantaneously??

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  • How to make charts appear instantaneously??

    I have a large quotesheet of 300 symbols. I'm a retail trader from home, using eSignal v7.9.1.

    eSignal's Data Manager seems to remember SOME of my charts, but not all of them. I can scroll down through my list of symbols in my large quotesheet, and view all the associated charts.

    Then, when I go back to a symbol to view the chart again, sometimes the chart is there instantly, and sometimes it has to be re-downloaded.

    I haven't traded in six months, but six months ago when I was using eSignal, the eSignal Data Manager remembered ALL of my charts. I've been trying to figure out if I changed a setting somewhere or what, but I can't seem to find anything.

    Does anyone know how to get eSignal to remember my charts, so that they come up instantly when I click on a symbol in the quotesheet?

    Thanks so much,

  • #2
    One way that some traders do is to have a quote window and advance chart window side by side (either left/right/top/bottom) of the quote window. Have the 2 windows link so that any symbol that you left click on the quote window will automatically populate within that chart for that symbol. For instructions on how to use the linking features, please click on the link below for a tutorial.

    Another way is that you can always right click on any specific symbol on your quote window and goto Advance Chart and left-click on default chart. This process can always be done at anytime.

    Hope this answers your question. If you need further support, please feel free to contact Technical Support @1510-264-1700 or private message me with your user name and password and will be happy to contact you.

    Thank you
    Joe B.
    Community Support Group
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    • #3
      Yes, of course I have my quote sheets side-by-side and linked. The problem seems to lie either with the Data Manager, or my settings, or maybe something else??

      The problem is that eSignal "forgets" some charts that is has already drawn. But yet it "remembers" about 30-40. Why does it do this? How can I prevent it from forgetting some charts? This didn't happen to me in the past (I was trading with eSignal six months ago). Back then, eSignal remembered ALL 300+ of my charts.

      Let me give you an example. Let's say I click on the symbol C, and the chart gets drawn. Then I click on BAC, and the chart gets drawn, then I click on through the ten stocks in my banking sector, each time letting the charts get drawn. Then I move on to the brokerage sector, starting with MWD, then MER, etc. Each time I let the chart get drawn so I can view it for a few seconds before moving on. Then let's say I come to the Healthcare sector, and I start viewing AET, WLP, UNH, etc.

      Now let's say I decide to go back up to the bank stocks. I scroll up my quotesheet and click on C, and I discover that eSignal has to draw the chart again from scratch, as if it forgot the chart. In other words, the data has to be redownloaded. But yet when I scroll down to the brokerage sector and click on MWD or MER, the charts might come up instantaneously, because the eSignal Data Manager is still remembering them. The charts in this case do not have to be redownloaded.

      So my whole point is that I don't understand why eSignal seems to be forgetting some charts, but remembering others. It seems to remember only the last 40-50 symbols or so that I clicked on, and forgets the rest.

      I have a cable modem, so bandwidth should not be a problem here.

      Thanks for any further insights.
      whinston in NYC


      • #4
        Hi whinston,

        This maybe due to the caching of data within the chart. Please try this, from the top of the menu bar, click on File > Prefreneces. At the top of the Preferences screen, click on the T&S Cache tab. Place a bullet on the second item Cache # of symbols and increase the amount somewhere in the range of 400-500 and then click OK. Please see the following diagram below. Hope this will correct your issue.

        Joe B.
        Community Support Group
        eSignal KnowledgeBase
        New User Orientation
        Add QuoTrek to eSignal l Get wireless quotes, charts, news | FREE for 30 days

