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Time Templates -> Check every tick?

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  • Time Templates -> Check every tick?


    I have an other question about how Time Templates operate:

    Are Time Templates computing the chart bars by looking at every tick, or the o/c/h/l are already stored somewhere on eSignal servers for standard timeframes and the Time Templates just loads them from there?

    For example, I noticed that [even now, off-line, after hours] loading symbols known to have many ticks [QQQQ. SMH, AAPL] takes much longer than the average symbols.

    This leads me to believe that Time Templates are "calculating" every bar from raw ticks, not just "loading" them from somwewhere.

    Is this assumtion correct? I hope it is not [The implications are clear if it is => playing with such symbols in real time is suicidal behaviour!].

    Thank you,
    Mihai Buta
    Mihai Buta

  • #2
    Time Templates are not responsible for doing anything outside of the following two things:[list=1][*]Limit the hours of intraday charts (minute-based intervals only)[*]Specify the amount of data loaded on a chart.[/list=1]
    Just to clarify, it's the DBCAPI.DLL that controls the requests for server data (among other things.) This file sends requests for 1-minute OHLC data when the chart has an interval based on a whole minute (15-min, 30-min, 2-min, etc.) If the chart's interval is, what we call, a tick-based interval, then a request goes out for every tick that occurred in the most recent day. After processing that data and loading the chart, if that data wasn't enough to fill the chart, then another request will go out to get more tick data (assuming we're using a Dynamic Time Template.)

    If you are seeing a longer download time for chart data in the after market for the same symbol, then there's three things that could be causing it:[list=1][*]A delay on the server (unlikely in the off-hours, if at all)[*]High CPU usage on the client PC[*]Latency between the client PC and the server[/list=1]
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    • #3

      Thank you for the detailed explaination.

      So, if I understand correctly, if anything in my efs is tick related, every thick is requested/brought from the server. If not, the granularity of data requested [from server] is 1 minute.

      Does this work the same in real-time? Are studies executed every tick or every 1min?

      Because this might explain my excessive freezing on busy symbols [AAPL, EBAY today, QQQQ, SMH, QQQQ] and I was [desperately] looking for a solution.

      I check the "30S" NEWBAR [in real time] and execute the efs only then or on base interval NewBar, but does not work properly. I will change it to 1min check and see if it helps. Right now it is a nightmare [I do have about 40 studies].

      Thank you.
      Mihai Buta
      Mihai Buta


      • #4

        Your question is more geared toward EFS which is certainly not my area of expertise, and your code & question seems pretty complex. To best answer the question it seems seeing your code would be required, and in reading some of your past posts I believe you are hesistant to do so. I would best advise you to review your code with an EFS consultant, who typically signs a non-disclosure agreement which legally binds them not to share any code you provide them.

        I can say that in using 40 studies that you may be putting undue strain on the PC (especially with tick-based intervals.) FYI, the CPU usage can be monitored with using the Windows Task Manager, which may help to identify if this is indeed the case.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #5
          Hi Jay,

          I did change the NewBar check to 1min and I did not have problems, but was a slow day today. I will also check the CPU utilization, but I am pretty sure I run to much at once [for windows, with 5+1 panes].

          About posting my efs: I have one large efs which I hate to make anybody "digg" it. When possible, I make a reduced version and post it. I am not a programmer [hardware formation], so I am sure I do poor things, but I could find most of the bugs when documentation [or answers to my questions, like you did] was clear. When I ran out of internal resources [or get fed up with it], I will ask for proffessional help.

          Thank you.
          Mihai Buta

