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How do I load maximum number of tick bars available for any chart?

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  • How do I load maximum number of tick bars available for any chart?


    (1) How many days of tick data and how many days of Intraday data is available?

    (2) I would like to set up the advanced chart in such a way that everytime I start eSignal and open an Advance tick Chart for any commodity or stock it will automatically load the maximum number of tick data available?

    Also how do I load the maximum number of Intraday data automatically when I plot any Advance Chart?

    For example can you give me step by step instruction on loading a 200 tick chart of December 2005 e- mini s&p 500 contract and say 500 tick chart of November 2005 Crude Oil contract?

    (3) Also can you give me the step by step instruction of how to load only Day session tick charts for the same contracts?

    (4) Do I have to set up a time template for each & every chart or can I apply the same time template for any chart any time? If yes how?

    (5) How do I save those charts so that I can view them off line and do not have to download them each time I start the eSignal Advanced Chart?

    Thank You

  • #2
    1) See this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase

    2) Use a Time Template. For information on Time Templates and how to use them see this article in the KB and the video at the eSignal University.

    3) At this time you cannot select to view only a specific session when using tick based charts.

    4) You can apply the same Time Template to as many charts as you want. You should find most of the answers related to Time Templates at the two links I provided above.

    5) Charts can only be viewed online.


    • #3
      Thank you Alexis.

      I have a dial up connection so it would be very helpful if I can download the videos. Many new videos are set up for play only.

      Can you see that they are set up for saving please?


      • #4

        I tried to set up an Intraday time template.

        If I want to download say 5 Min or 15 Min chart for 120 days what should I put in Interval box.

        The Article doesn't mention anything about minute interval. I tried putting in "I" and "S" but it doesn't work. The chart shows the dynamic mode and not 120 Day data.


        • #5
          With the exception of the Webinars all the videos can be downloaded if you select the Windows Media version.
          With regards to your second question if you want to load 120 days for every minute based interval then just set the Intraday Default to 120. For specific intervals instead set them to User Defined, type the specific number (ie 1, 5, 15, etc) in the Interval box and set the required number of days.


          • #6
            Very Helpful Template advice Alexis. Thank You.

            I still have problem with Webinar because Broadband is simply not available where I am located.

            Due to slow internet connection webinar is not playable. The only way to view it is to download & then view it.

            I just tried to watch new user training III and I am seeing the same problem with other viewers because in the chat window somebody has asked the same question as she has also a very slooooooow connection.

            Webinars are very useful for beginners & I wish you can make them available in a downloadable format. I am not sure if there is a specific reason to not make them downloadable ?

            Please do the necessary.

            Thank You Much.
            Last edited by robert3; 10-16-2005, 04:31 PM.


            • #7

              Just to let you know Alexis isn't an employee of eSignal.

              Regarding your request to have a downloadable version of each recorded webinar, this is something we'd like to do in the future. I'd estimate that we can have this done before the end of the year.
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8
                Hi Jay,

                That would be ok except that people trying to learn eSignal now & for new customers it would help a great deal if eSignal can make it available sooner OR if eSignal OR anybody on this forum has any idea as to " Any software or Method to Record these videos "

                Right now I ( And Many other Subscribers ) simply can not watch
                these videos due to slow connections ( Sorry Broadband is simply not available in many parts of the world ) & hence can't take advantage of learning eSignal the easyway that eSignal would like everyone to think.

                This question was addressed before when these seminars were utilising Webex players and couldn't be recorded & that time eSignal said that they were switching to different software that would allow the recording & 2 years down the road we are back to square one.

                Is it the cost or difficuly or something else that is preventing eSignal from making things easier for new clients?

                If some seminars are posted as downloadable then why not the really useful ones?

                Please explain.



                You are a great help to this forum whether you are an employee of eSignal or not.

                If you have any ideas as to " How To Record These New Webinars " please tell us. I would really appreciate it.

                Last edited by robert3; 10-17-2005, 05:05 PM.

