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"Fall Back" wrong intervals on custom spreads

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  • "Fall Back" wrong intervals on custom spreads

    Today, the first market day after clocks were turned back one hour, all the time intervals on my advanced charts of user-defined spreads are off by an hour. For example, my time interval of 08:30 - 16:15 shows 07:30 - 15:15 on a 5 min chart of
    ABES = ((2 * AB Z5) - (ES Z5)) / 2 ,
    but shows the correct 08:30 - 16:15 when I change the symbol to ES Z5. The problem appears with each of my custom spreads.

    I am using 7.91 (732).

  • #2
    I'm having the same problem aswell. All of my Custom Spreads are finishing at 15.00 EST - when it should be 16.00 EST in my Time Template. The problem is just with Custom Spreads, because the rest of my data is fine.

    This problem started on Sunday - does eSignal have a fix for this yet (or even any update?) because over half of my charts are unusable after 15.00 EST.



    • #3
      I am creating special time templates just for my spreads and adding an hour to the start and end times of all these special and hopefully temporary time templates until a fix ix forthcoming.


      • #4
        I've attached an image of the problem that occurs.

        After some testing, I've found that if I use a Dynamic 24 Hour (0:00 - 24:00) Time Template all of the data is displayed ok.

        This provides another short term fix - along with the one suggested by checkraise.

        Attached Files


        • #5
          We are working on fixing this issue, and should have a fix forthcoming in the next release.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            For further tracking purposes, this issue has been reported as EDL#21691
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              Originally posted by JayF
              For further tracking purposes, this issue has been reported as EDL#21691
              Hope this can be resolved soon as the temp fix of adding an hour to both doesn't work well with overlays that include other products.


              • #8
                One year later, same old problem. Except this time it's happening on eSignal 8.0 (Build 779).


                • #9
                  Yes, the old problem is back. So what's going on with this fix, eSignal?


                  • #10
                    eSignal, is there any ETA on a fix for this?
                    It's a royal pain in the butt if you are using a spread chart that compares a spread (some combo) to a cash index because using that modified time template to fix the spread WILL NOT help since you end up screwing the cash chart that way. And a 24hr template complicates things with pre-open data.
                    Last edited by Anson; 11-09-2006, 02:01 PM.


                    • #11
                      The problem is very bad even for simple spreads without any overlays, and re-defining time templates does not solve the problem. Look at the very simple spread (NQ #F - ES #F) on a 45-minute chart. Using a time template of 9:30-16:15, the first bar of each day after the clock change begins at 8:30 and the last bar ends at 15:15. On the same chart, the first bar of each day before the clock change begins at 8:45 and the last bar ends at 15:30. So using a time template of 9:30-16:15, I don't get a starting 9:30 bar either before of after the clock change, and I don't get a bar ending at 16:15 either before or after the clock change.

                      Now if I change the time template to 10:30-17:15, the first bar of each day after the clock change begins at 9:30 and the last bar ends at 16:15. Fine, I tell it to give me 10:30-17:15 and it gives me 9:30-16:15. But this happens only on the days after the clock change. On that same chart, on each day before the clock change, the first bar begins at 9:45 and the last bar ends at 16:30. The first 15 minutes of data from each day before the clock change is missing if you modify the time template forward one hour.

                      Any studies that use data both before and after the clock change are adversely impacted since no matter how you adjust the time template, you get bars of different times depending on if those bars came before or after the clock change.

                      Over a year ago this problem was assigned EDL#21691. Like Anson, I would appreciate hearing a response from eSignal.
                      Last edited by checkraise; 11-09-2006, 07:57 PM.

