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eSignal vs. Ensign charting software

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  • eSignal vs. Ensign charting software

    I am trying to decide between eSignal charting software versus Ensign charting software. I am mainly interested in daytrading the eminis.

    Has anyone tried both? How do the two compare?

    Is there a feature-by-feature comparison list somewhere (a link) for this kind of software?

    On which one is it easier to program your own indicator?

    Are there "must have" features that one has that the other does not have?

    All opinions, comments and suggestions are welcome.


  • #2
    I personally found Ensign rather clunky. Maybe I didn't read the manual and invest a lot of time into it. A lot like Linnsoft. Very powerful, but clunky interface. I didn't see any features provided that I am missing from esig.


    • #3
      I have been using both softwares for a while, both have their own strenghts and weaknesses. Everything available on esignal is present in ensign but more powerful and lot more customizable.

      Ensign is less cpu intensive, has tabs for workspaces and fast loading charts. I run three charts with esignal and my machine comes to a crawl while in ensign I run 5 workspaces with 2 charts each and it runs smooth.

      writing your own studies on both is difficult for non coders.

      Marketplayback feature is robust and far more better in ensign

      In the end I think it is very personal choice in reagrds to how and what you want to use. For me three big reasons are three advantages I mentioned in 2nd paragraph.

      Ensign offers a week trial though so you can look at it and decide.


      • #4
        No Range Bars in eSignal

        Haven't checked the latest 7.9 ver for it , but eSignal had a poll around 2 years ago and 90% said they would like range bars(a.k.a. momentum bars). Still waiting. Check out Ensign for examples, they are a very nice ploting option. Several of my buddies left eSignal for Interactive Brokers using Ensign (our chatroom used Range bars a LOT). I am surviving with Renko Bars, close but not the same. I am staying with eSignal for now, too lazy to recode my scripts at this time.


        • #5
          Thanks for your replies

          My Thanks to everyone who replied to my request for information on this subject.

          I emailed Ensign support staff requesting they add a new Indicator (the True Strength Index) and they replied the same day with a Design Your Own Study, already coded up and with an example chart, and posted it for all to see. I was expecting it to take a month or possibly much longer to do this, not on the same day that I requested it.

          This kind of Service (rare today) just may have won them a customer for life.

          Again, Thanks to all of you who replied so far.

