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My drawing tools keep shifting

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  • My drawing tools keep shifting

    After the completion of a tick bar my drawing tools (pitchforks, Fib retracements-extensions-time-circles) that extend beyond the present tick bar keep shifting. Therefore I have to constantly redraw them. Any help with this matter will be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Is there a fix for this problem?


    • #3
      The following is an example.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hi Kevin,

        Thanks for the image; it definitely helps to see the issue firsthand. Out of curiosity, what version of eSignal are you currently running? You can check this by going to the Help----->About. Please let me know.


        • #5
          I have version 7.91


          • #6
            Hi Kevin,

            Thanks for the response.

            Based on the time scale it appears that you are drawing this on a tick-based interval. I suspect that you may also be placing the right-most anchor into the future. Because tick-based intervals don't have a static amount of time along the x-axis, eSignal tries to estimate where in time to place the anchor. When the bars do eventually fill in, there will be an inevitable skew to the lines as the estimate will almost never be reality.


            • #7
              All anchor points are in the past and the distortion/shifting happens after the tick bar closes, to whatever (Fib Circles, Fib Retracement, Lines, etc...) is projected beyond the present. Could you please try to duplicate this occurrence to determine if it's unique to my setup? Thanks.



              • #8
                The following is a Before example:
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  The following is an After (the bar close) example:
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Hi Kevin,

                    What tick based interval are you currently using? Please let me know, I would like to recreate this as closely as possible. Thanks.


                    • #11
                      I use 250, 500, and 1000 tick charts. The shifting problem happens on all of them.


                      • #12

                        As expected, I experienced the same thing when using tick based intervals. There is currently a bug in eSignal that appears when drawing various lines on tick based charts. I'll reply shortly with an EDL (eSignal Development List) # for this particular issue.

                        Because tick-based intervals don't have a static amount of time along the x-axis, eSignal tries to estimate where in time to place the anchor. When the bars do eventually fill in, there will be an inevitable skew to the lines as the estimate will almost never be reality.

