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new user q. (and i read the beginners guide)

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  • new user q. (and i read the beginners guide)

    hi all
    just joined esignal and got few q. hope you could assist
    1. i am using a page and i have a T&S floating window that is staying on top of any other windows based object, even non esignal windows. how do i set it not to be the topest one as my floating charts are (i can put ms-word on them and they will be in the back)?
    2. is there any way to adjust the space there is between the lowest study and the buttom of the chart? i need as much space as i can get
    3. how do i define the sizes of the prints in the T&S window to be on hundrends mode (like the sizes are) instead of 5000 i want to see 50? can i add a MA to the volume study?
    5. is there is any limit to the # of links i can have? i counted 14 colors, so only 14 links?

    thanks for the help!

  • #2
    Here are some answers in the mean time
    1) When you create a floating window a "thumbtack" icon is added to the Title Bar of the floating window. This icon allows you to toggle on/off the "always on top" mode.
    4) You need to do that with an efs. You can find MAofVol.efs here which will plot the Volume and its moving average.
    5) The number of links available is 14 each for Symbol and/or Interval


    • #3
      2) Not sure what space you are referring to. Can you provide more details?
      3) I don't think this is an available option.


      • #4
        thanks for the a. and more q.

        i ment to to hight of the x-is (which i can disable but they are just too big for me)

        i want to have 20 charts with 20 T&S for 20 symbols (20 different), what you are saying is that i can have only 14???? big problem

        is there any way to zoom in and out for the charts from my kyboard or can i put the zoom in/out botuns on the chart's roller?

        btw, i couldn't go the the EFS for the MA on the volume. the link directed me to choose a group which i don't know to choose


        • #5
          The height of the X-Axis cannot be modified at this time
          To zoom in/out using the keyboard you need to assign the Increase Bar Spacing and Decrease Bar Spacing commands to user defined hotkeys. To do this use the Customize Keyboard function available under the Tools menu.
          The link I included in my prior reply will take you directly to the folder in my group that contains the efs


          • #6
            thanks for the VolumeMA

            but i am using a black backround and couldn't find where to change a ma color
            or am i missing the point?
            btw, who do i remove the full name of the company shown on the top left corner?


            • #7
              To change the color of the average you need to open the efs with the Editor (Tools-> EFS-> Editor) and in line 19 where you have the following statement
              setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1);
              replace with Color.white
              To remove the company name from the Study Title right click the price window, select Edit Studies and uncheck Display Description in the Study Properties dialog box
              FWIW you can find most of the information related to the eSignal program in the eSignal KnowledgeBase


              • #8
                thanks but i couldn't find answers

                to this q. in the knowledgebase
                1. how do i set keyboard shortcuts to 60/30/15 min. intervals ? it's not on the shortcuts menue
                2. can i add a price alert through the chart?
                3. i signed for theflyonthewall news but i cann't get it for todays. only yesterdays. what's wrong?
                thanks again


                • #9
                  1) Not sure why you would want shortcuts when you can type any interval on the keyboard to set the interval of the chart. Select the chart and type a number corresponding to the interval and press Enter and the chart will switch to that interval.
                  Anyhow you can add interval or symbol shortcuts to the Favorites Bar. See this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase for instructions on how to do it
                  2) Right click the chart at the price level you wish to set the alert and select Set Alert xxxx.xx where x will be the price. This will open the Add Alert window which will be pre-configured for an Alert High or Low depending on where you clicked


                  • #10


