Here's a simple feature which I think would be valuable for T&S users and should be easy to implement:
Allow the T&S to have filters for showing either/or combinations of "Trades done at offer side", "Trades done on bid side" and "Inside trades".
Since the T&S already has the capability to highlight the 3 different types of trades in different colors and also filtered on size... I think this new idea should be very easy for eSignal to implement.
The potential for this is a really easy way to see where the size is... taken at the offer or given to the bid etc... This would also allow for easy export of specific data for various forms of analysis.
Any comments from eSignal or other users? Thanks.
Allow the T&S to have filters for showing either/or combinations of "Trades done at offer side", "Trades done on bid side" and "Inside trades".
Since the T&S already has the capability to highlight the 3 different types of trades in different colors and also filtered on size... I think this new idea should be very easy for eSignal to implement.
The potential for this is a really easy way to see where the size is... taken at the offer or given to the bid etc... This would also allow for easy export of specific data for various forms of analysis.
Any comments from eSignal or other users? Thanks.