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winsig error

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  • winsig error

    Hello there

    About 40 mins ago esignal came up with this error WINSIG.EXE. No attempt to revive the application have been successful including rebooting a couple of times and a reinstall as advised by one of your gentlemen support staff. I am attaching a snapshot of the error so that you can see how this looks like. The rest of the network is running smoothly, no new software have been installed.
    Thanks. Please urgently suggest way forward

  • #2
    winsig error

    Hello there I am not able to run esignal any more. For some reason I can't open the application as it returns Winsing Error. Am attaching a picture of the error message for you to see. Am told by your support staff in London that you should be able to get back to me shortly with a solution. Guys I have been waiting for an hour and nobody seems to have seen my message. Please respond asap
    Attached Files


    • #3

      Here are a couple of steps I would try.

      1) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the eSignal folder.
      2) Double click on the Basic 1 (Read only) Equities Layout.lay file.
      This should open the program
      If it does and you then create a new Advanced Chart and that creates another error and crashes the application then do the following

      1) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the eSignal folder.
      2) Move the default.ach file out of the eSignal folder and store it somewhere else for the time being.
      3) Repeat the steps described in the first part.

      If all works fine then it is a sign that somehow the defaul.ach file got corrupted and you may want to delete it at that point.
      It could also imply that the Layout you were working is also corrupted so I would suggest recreating it (and the charts that it included) from scratch.



      • #4

        I have sent you a private message requesting your telephone number to resolve this issue. If what Alex suggested works, that is great. If not, then please contact me so we can get your program back up and running.

        Heather Holmes
        eSignal Technical Support


        • #5
          Re: Reply to post 'winsig error'

          Heather how are doing, thanks for getting back, my phone is +441202443181,
          speak soon

          >From: <[email protected]>
          >To: [email protected]
          >Subject: Reply to post 'winsig error'
          >Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 10:19:54 -0800
          >Hello mburu,


          • #6
            winsig error


            you sent me the following:

            Heather I have tried what Alex suggested. The system goes ahead and opens up with a different (I suppose default layout). I create a advanced chart with no problem. I then call some other old layouts that I have created in the past, they work too. However when I go to my usual working layout it brings up the winsig error. So far that's where I am.
            regards M

            Since this seems to be what has resolved so far, you would want to stop using the layout that's giving you problems and rename the one you have currently created to customize.

            Alex is on the path I would take you to resolve this and it sounds like it's been done. I'll monitor this thread to see any future posts I can help with.
            Heather Holmes
            eSignal Technical Support

