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Auto Scroll Multiple Windows at Same Time

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  • Auto Scroll Multiple Windows at Same Time

    So far eSignal is my favourite charting package, but I think it really needs the autoscroll capability.

    i.e. Open 3 advanced chart windows, scroll one window to look at past data, and have the other 2 scroll along with it.

    I know the cursor moves along with the data, but once it gets out of field view, the window stays the same.

    I see there are symbolic links and internal links, but none of those enable that feature.

    P.S. - The pitchfork tool also needs the ability to modify it after it has been drawn.


  • #2
    Hi kosai,

    At this point, we don't have a feature that allows simultaneous scrolling of the various chart windows or a feature that would allow this to be linked to selected charts. I'll pass this suggestion over to the Product Development Team. If you have any specific thoughts on how you would like to see this operate, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for the suggestion.

