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eSignal way too sluggish

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  • eSignal way too sluggish

    I've been using eSignal for about a month with no real problems. Just today, it is acting very slow - i.e., cursor jumps around, page comes up very slowly etc.

    I have not added any new software.

    It is unusable right now for trading as I can't draw trendlines real time.

    I've run adware, spy bot and System mechanic, defragged the machine and turned it on and off about ten times. The problem appears to be only with eSignal.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Hmm, interesting... I haven't experienced any issues with eSignal over the weekend - been running charts and running analysis for few hours both today and yesterday. Everything is running smoothly here. Don't think it's the platform issue. Could be your ISP?


    • #3
      If the mouse cursor is running slowly it sounds like the CPU or Memory is maxxing out. To check either of these, you can easily go to the Windows Task Manager by using Ctrl-Alt-Del and then clicking on Task Manager. After that, click on the Performance Tab, and you should see the screen below or something similar.

      CPU Usage - This displays how much demand the applications and process that are running are putting on your CPU. When this number spikes to a high amount, everything running on the PC tends to slows down (unless you have a dual-core or hyper-threaded machine.)

      CPU Usage History - This gives a graphical representation of the CPU usage. It's handy to see historically if the CPU is spiking for an extended length of time or if it's just a brief issue. In dual-core or hyper-threaded machines, you'll see two graphs here.

      Physical Memory, Total - This is your total amount of RAM on your PC.

      Physical Memory, Available - This is how much RAM is available for your PC is use. If this hits zero, then the PC will need to store data temporarily in your virtual memory, which is an area on your hard drive that is reserved for this purpose. Sending data back and forth to a hard drive is much slower then with RAM, and can lead to sluggish performance.

      Commit Charge, Total - This refers to the total amount of RAM and virtual memory the PC is using at the current moment.

      Commit Charge, Peak - This is the highest amount of total amount of RAM and virtual memory the PC has used since you last rebooted. If this number is greater than your Physical Memory, Total, then the memory needs of your PC are spilling over into virtual memory when your RAM is full causing a slow-down in the PC.

      In your case, if your CPU is maxxing out on a weekend (when no real-time data is having to be processed,) then I would switch over to the
      Processes Tab to see what is eating up the CPU. If it is indeed eSignal (winsig.exe,) then you may have a corrupted Page file on your hands. If you are using Layouts, the corruption may be limited to just one window file (i.e. Advanced Chart, Quote Window, etc.) In either case, try this... Click Page, New Page and then File --> Exit All and Save. When prompted for a name for the page file, just type in "Test" or something similar. Re launch eSignal after it closes down, and eSignal should come up blank. Then try recreating your Page or Layout, and see if the problem returns.
      Jay F.
      Product Manager
      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

