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amd crashing esignal

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  • amd crashing esignal

    There does appear to be some conflict between AMD 64 bit chips and esignal. I recently upgraded to the AMD 64 chip and doubled my ram along with a 10,000 rpm hard drive.

    My old 2.8 Intel never crashed running esignal.

    My new AMP system runs at a CPU load of 2% to 5% most of the time. Then every 15 minutes or half an hour, the CPU load rockets to 100% for about 10 or 20 seconds. Most of the time, it settles down, but a few times it has frozen my computer and I've had to reboot.

    This is occuring while i'm using less than half my available ram.

    Anyone else have this type of problem?


  • #2
    Hello Runningbear,

    We are aware of incompatibilities, in some cases, between AMD 64 bit machines and eSignal. We are working on a solution for this however I don't have an ETA right now.

    Here is a link with more information:

    Let me know if you have any other questions.



    • #3
      Is this AMD only, or do the Intel "D" processors also have issues?


      • #4
        I am considering to buy a dual-core too (either P4 or AMD64x2).... would someone pls confirm that P4 is fine with eSignal?


        • #5
          P4's work great. We have tested the Intel 64-bit processors, and they seem to work fine as well. We suspect Intel Dual-core's will work fine, but to be certain, we are getting the paperwork through to purchase one for testing.

          The AMD 64-bit processor problem is still being looked into by engineers. It's a complex issue, and no estimate is currently available.

          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            No problems for me. I recently purchased a machine with the Athlon 64 X2 FX-60 and ran an all day test with eSignal (many charts, efs studies and one quote window), my execution platform (TradeMaven) and windows media player. Everything ran without a hitch. Most of the time my cpu ran in the 2% to 5% range, with spikes upto 20%. The day I tested was a paticularly high volume trend day with many volume spikes and even at those points, the processor was hardly effected. I'm not sure if the people who have problems have funky computer configurations or what, but I love this AMD processor. It has marketedly improved my performance in many areas, especially for all the back testing I do. I'm running eSignal 7.91 (Build 738).

