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Triggered Alert List Position

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  • Triggered Alert List Position

    My system went wacko one day (began to log me in as the administrator, with a different desktop) and affected in eSignal, the positioning of the Triggered Alert List (file). I remember having this problem long time before (after an version upgrade)and I think I was instructed to delete a file in the eSignal folder.

    Here is the problem, I know if I move the Triggered Alert List window around, then logout then log back on, the previous position is retained. Mine pops up on the upper left every time I logon.

    I searched the board for a solution but can't find a fix that applies. Can anyone help?

  • #2
    It seems that the behavior of the Triggered Alerts List window has changed in one of the later versions.
    If the Triggered Alert List window contains some alerts when eSignal is closed it then reappears in the upper left corner when the program is restarted. If instead the alerts were cleared it reappears at the center of the eSignal desktop. In either case if the window is then moved to a different location it will reappear at that same location (until eSignal is restarted).
    For now the only solution I can think of is to clear the alerts as the winsig.ini does not seem to have any coordinates to position the Triggered Alerts window


    • #3
      We are able to duplicate this problem as well. I have sent this to our product engineers (EDL #21964).

      Thank you for reporting this.

