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Style templates

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  • Style templates

    If I:

    1. create an advanced chart for a stock (MKS-LON)
    2. add an indicator (MACD)
    3. save a style template (macd-template.ach)

    and then:

    4. create an advanced chart for a different stock (FPL-LON)
    5. load the style template (macd-template.ach)
    6. save the advanced chart (fpl-lon.ach)

    Am I crazy to expect that when I re-open fpl-lon.ach it will still be a chart of FPL-LON with the MACD indicator from the style template?

    Currently if I re-open fpl-lon.ach it'll be a chart of MKS-LON with the MACD indicator.

    Whatever symbol was used to create the template is being saved to the file, even though when I saved the chart in step 6 it was a chart of FPL-LON.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    I don't know if that is the intended behavior. Anyhow, if you first apply the Style Template and then load the symbol and save the chart the next time you re-open the chart it will load the last saved symbol.
    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Thanks Alexis. You are correct that manually typing the symbol causes the file to save correctly, but this must be a bug, because to the humble user the chart is showing the correct symbol at the time of saving.

      I think it must be related to a previous post ( of a similar bug. In the same way, manually typing the symbol after creating a chart from the quote window allows the file to be saved properly.

      Looks like something is broken in the advanced chart saving routines

      Thanks again for the tip


      • #4
        Hi rob200, this has been entered in to our development list as EDL #22026. Thank you for reporting this.

