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No Data - DBC Winros Message

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  • No Data - DBC Winros Message

    Over the past several months when I load esignal I receive no data in the quote window yet sometimes I get chart data on 1 chart other times maybe more. Then when I exit esignal the data manager will not exit while this option is set in preferences. Then when I try to shutdown my PC I get error: DBC WINROS Message Sink and it has to kill this process before it will shut down. Any idea? Note: This does this on a fresh W2K install and a fresh Esignal Install. version: eSignal 7.91 (Build 738) W2K SP4.


  • #2
    'No Data - DBC Winros Message

    I have discovered that eSignal will stall at startup if a quote window was populated via Dynamic Quote File and the source file is no longer in the original location. The developers assume that the user will eventually figure out why the startup stalls (there is no error or warning message). In my case I created a new quote window, loaded the symbols via Dynamic Quote File (a text file with the symbols) and saved the quote window with a specific name. Subsequently, I did a too thorough job of cleaning up old files and deleted the text file used to create the symbol list used to originally populate the quote window - after that eSignal would not start properly and had to be cancelled by deleting the WINSIG.EXE and WINROS.EXE processes. When I restored the deleted file, everything started normally.


    • #3
      thanks wscully, i'll try that. as for esignal customer service, typical non- existent i guess, and to think they treat 3+ years old customers like this -

